The Paired API is a GraphQL API built with Node, Express, Apollo Server, and MongoDB. It serves as the back end for Paired, a React application created to improve pair programming between Turing students throughout their seven-month immersive program.
- Install MongoDB Community Server (instructions for macOS)
to start MongoDB- Fork this repo
- Open your terminal
to where you want the repo directory to be created- Clone your fork down to your machine either
- with SSH:
git clone
- or with HTTPS:
git clone
- with SSH:
cd paired-api
npm install
npm run seed
to seed the databasenpm run test:dev
to run the test suitenpm run server
to start the server- Go to http://localhost:3001/graphql to use the GraphQL Playground
- Push changes up to your fork
- Make pull requests from your fork to the original repo
Field Data Type id ID! name String! module String! program Int! skills [String] interests [String] pronouns String slack String email String image String -
Field Data Type id ID! pairer User! pairee User date String! times String! notes String
getUser(id: ID!): User
example query
{ getUser(id: "5cad1dcfee07882ab05e904a") { name program module } }
example response
{ "data": { "getUser": { "name": "Jeo", "program": "FE", "module": 4 } } }
getUsers: [User]
example query
{ getUsers { name program module } }
example response
{ "data": { "user": [ { "name": "Jeo", "program": "FE", "module": 4 }, { "name": "Tiffany", "program": "FE", "module": 4 }, { "name": "Aaron", "program": "BE", "module": 4 }, { "name": "Hillary", "program": "FE", "module": 4 } ] } }
getPairings: [Pairing]
example query
{ getPairings { id pairer { name } pairee { name } date time } }
example response
{ "data": { "getPairings": [ { "id": "5ca56d0d4a515ca7339852b3", "pairer": { "name": "Jeo" }, "pairee": null, "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "lunch" }, { "id": "5ca56d0d4a515ca7339852b5", "pairer": { "name": "Tiffany" }, "pairee": { "name": "Jeo" }, "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "afternoon" }, ... ] } }
getPairing(id: ID!): Pairing
- example query
{ getPairing(id: "5ccba783eb113c2e2ef3692f") { pairer { name module program id pronouns skills slack image } date time id } }
- example response
{ "data": { "getPairing": { "pairer": { "name": "Hill", "module": 4, "program": "FE", "id": "5ccba783eb113c2e2ef3692d", "pronouns": "she/her", "skills": [ "react", "redux" ], "slack": "@hillstew", "image": "" }, "date": "Mon May 06 2019", "time": "lunch", "id": "5ccba783eb113c2e2ef3692f" } } }
getAvailablePairings(filter: PairingFilter): [Pairing]
- example query
{ getAvailablePairings( filter: { program: "FE", module: 4, date: "Wed Apr 03 2019" } ) { pairer { name module program } date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "getAvailablePairings": [ { "pairer": { "name": "Jeo", "module": 4, "program": "FE" }, "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "lunch" }, { "pairer": { "name": "Hillary", "module": 4, "program": "FE" }, "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "morning" } ] } }
getUserPairings(id: ID): [Pairing]
- example query
{ getUserPairings(id: "5ca929750dbd7d527336849e") { pairer { name } pairee { name } date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "getUserPairings": [ { "pairer": { "name": "Tiffany" }, "pairee": { "name": "Jeo" }, "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "afternoon" }, { "pairer": { "name": "Hillary" }, "pairee": { "name": "Tiffany" }, "date": "Fri Apr 05 2019", "time": "morning" } ] } }
createUser(user: CreateUserInput): User!
- example mutation
mutation { createUser(user: { name: "John", module: 2, program: "FE" }) { id name module program email } }
- example response
{ "data": { "createUser": { "id": "5ca56e87f1f10fa7acbe9544", "name": "John", "module": 2, "program": "FE", "email": null } } }
createPairing(pairing: CreatePairingInput): Pairing!
- example mutation
mutation { createPairing( pairing: { pairer: "5ca56e87f1f10fa7acbe9544" pairee: 5 date: "Fri Apr 05 2019" time: "lunch" } ) { pairer { name module } pairee { name module program } date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "createPairing": { "pairer": { "name": "John", "module": 2 }, "pairee": { "name": "Alice", "module": 1, "program": "BE" }, "date": "Fri Apr 05 2019", "time": "lunch" } } }
createPairings(pairings: [CreatePairingInput]): [UnpopulatedPairing]
- example mutation
mutation { createPairings( pairings: [ { pairer: "5cad1dcfee07882ab05e904a" date: "Mon Apr 29 2019" time: "morning" } { pairer: "5cad1dcfee07882ab05e904a" date: "Mon Apr 29 2019" time: "lunch" } ] ) { pairer date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "createPairings": [ { "pairer": "5cad1dcfee07882ab05e904a", "date": "Mon Apr 29 2019", "time": "morning", "notes": null }, { "pairer": "5cad1dcfee07882ab05e904a", "date": "Mon Apr 29 2019", "time": "lunch", "notes": null } ] } }
updateUser(user: UpdateUserInput): User
- example mutation
mutation { updateUser( user: { id: "5ca92b7f6a7f1153030b872b" skills: ["react", "redux", "graphql"] interests: ["super market sweep", "graphql"] } ) { name skills interests } }
- example response
{ "data": { "updateUser": { "name": "Hillary", "skills": [ "react", "redux", "graphql" ], "interests": [ "super market sweep", "graphql" ] } } }
updatePairing(pairing: UpdatePairingInput): Pairing
- example mutation
mutation { updatePairing( pairing: { id: "5ca92b7f6a7f1153030b872d" pairee: "5ca92b7f6a7f1153030b872b" notes: "Please help with GraphQL" } ) { pairer { name } pairee { name } notes } }
- example response
{ "data": { "updatePairing": { "pairer": { "name": "Jeo" }, "pairee": { "name": "Hillary" }, "notes": "Please help with GraphQL" } } }
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
- example mutation
mutation { deleteUser(id: "5ca92b7f6a7f1153030b8728") { name } }
- example response
{ "data": { "deleteUser": { "name": "Jeo" } } }
deletePairing(id: ID!): Pairing
- example mutation
mutation { deletePairing(id: "5ca92ec3c9624e53b4971959") { date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "deletePairing": { "date": "Wed Apr 03 2019", "time": "lunch" } } }
deletePairings(id: ID!): DeletedPairing
- example mutation
mutation { deletePairings(id: "5cc88756a3ac3b35ffd45d2d") { date time } }
- example response
{ "data": { "deletePairings": { "date": null, "time": null } } }
- Node.js
- Express
- GraphQL
- Apollo Server
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Jest
- Travis CI
Front End Team
Hillary Stewart
Tiffany Bachmann -
Back End Team
Jeo D
Aaron Brooks Roberts