Pwinty.Net - A C# wrapper for the Pwinty API
Pwinty is a powerful image-printing API providing direct access to a global network of on-demand manufacturing partners.
// Create a new order object with required information.
Order orderToCreate = new Order(
recipientName: "F. Prince",
countryCode: new Country("US"),
preferredShippingMethod: ShippingMethod.Express
// Add destination address.
orderToCreate.Address1 = "805 St Cloud Road";
orderToCreate.AddressTownOrCity = "Los Angeles";
PwintyClient client = new PwintyClient(merchantId, apiKey);
// Create the order
Order createdOrder = await client.Orders.CreateAsync(orderToCreate);
// Create a product
Image imageToAdd = new Image(
sku: "123-product-sku",
url: "",
copies: 1,
sizing: ImageSizing.Crop
// Add the product to the order
Image addedImage = await client.Orders.AddImageAsync(createdOrder.Id, imageToAdd);
// Submit the order
await client.Orders.SubmitAsync(createdOrder.Id);