This component create an AWS CloudWatch Synthetics Canary.
This repository is not part of official Serverless Components repository. This is an experimental component built following "Building Components" section guide.
For more information about Serverless Components follow official guide.
To get started with component, install the latest version of the Serverless Framework:
$ npm install -g serverless
Create a new .env
file in the root of the aws-synthetics-canary
directory right next to serverless.yml
, and add your AWS access keys:
# .env
Here's a complete reference of the serverless.yml
file for the aws-synthetics-canary
# serverless.yml
component: aws-synthetics-canary # (required) name of the component. In that case, it's aws-synthetics-canary.
name: my-test # (required) name of your component instance.
org: daaru # (optional) serverless dashboard org. default is the first org you created during signup.
app: myApp # (optional) serverless dashboard app. default is the same as the name property.
stage: dev # (optional) serverless dashboard stage. default is 'dev'.
region: us-east-1 # (optional) AWS region. default is 'us-east-1'.
artifactBucket: 'my-artifcat-bucket' # (required) S3 bucket to store tests artifact.
src: './src' # (required) source code location.
handler: 'index.handler' # (optional) source code entrypoint with format <filename without extension>.<exported function>. default is 'index.handler'.
runtime: 'syn-nodejs-puppeteer-3.0' # (optional) Canary runtime version.
roleArn: arn:aws:abc # (optional) custom role arn.
timeout: 300 # (optional) timeout in seconds. default is Canary frequency. maximum is 14 minutes.
memory: 64 # (optional) memory in MB, multiple of 64. default is 64.
env: # (optional) env vars.
tracing: false # (optional) active AWS X-Ray tracing when it runs.
expression: 'rate(0 hour)' # (optional) schedule expression for canary. default is 'rate(0 hour)' that will execute canary only once when manually runs.
duration: 0 # (optional) how long, in seconds, for the canary to continue making regular runs.
tags: # (optional) canary tags.
foo: bar
foo1: bar1
failure: 31 # (optional) retention period for failure results in days. default is 31.
success: 31 # (optional) retention period for success results in days. default is 31.
securityGroups: # (optional) VPC security group ids configurations.
- sg-xxxxxxxxxx
subnets: # (optional) VPC subnet ids configurations.
- subnet-xxxxxxxxxx
Check the latest version of Canary runtime at AWS documentation page.
Create a Canary Script into src
directory named index.js
and export a handler
function with test script:
// ./src/index.js
const synthetics = require('Synthetics')
const log = require('SyntheticsLogger')
exports.handler = async () => {
const page = await synthetics.getPage()
await page.goto(process.env.ENDPOINT)
await page.screenshot({ path: '/tmp/example.png' })
const pageTitle = await page.title()'Page title: ' + pageTitle)
if you want to use a different file or function name change handler
configuration accordingly.
For more information about test script check AWS Documentation
Once you have the directory set up, you're now ready to deploy. Just run the following command from within the directory containing the serverless.yml
$ serverless deploy
Your first deployment might take a little while, but subsequent deployment would just take few seconds. For more information on what's going on during deployment, you could specify the --debug
flag, which would view deployment logs in realtime:
$ serverless deploy --debug
Anytime you need to know more about your created aws-synthetics-canary
instance, you can run the following command to view the most info.
$ serverless info
If you wanna tear down your entire aws-synthetics-canary
infrastructure that was created during deployment, just run the following command in the directory containing the serverless.yml
$ serverless remove
Once the component has been deployed you can run some commands:
Start deployed Canary:
$ serverless start
Stop deployed Canary:
$ serverless start
Note: Only necessary when using a schedule expression with repeated executions. Otherwise canary will be stopped automatically after the first run after "start" command.
Retrieve Canary runs results:
$ serverless results
Name: my-test
Started: 2020-08-29T08:43:27.000Z
Completed: 2020-08-29T08:43:28.000Z
ArtifactS3Location: my-artifcat-bucket/my-test/canary/my-test/successes/2020/08/29/08/43-28-405
Name: my-test
StateReason: "TimeoutError: Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 10000ms exceeded Stack: TimeoutError: Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 10000ms exceeded\n at Promise.then (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/LifecycleWatcher.js:143:21)\n -- ASYNC --\n at Frame.<anonymous> (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/helper.js:110:27)\n at Page.goto (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/Page.js:656:49)\n at Page.<anonymous> (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/helper.js:111:23)\n at /opt/nodejs/node_modules/index.js:13:16\n at Synthetics.executeStep (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/Synthetics.js:254:37)"
Started: 2020-08-29T08:28:54.000Z
Completed: 2020-08-29T08:29:05.000Z
ArtifactS3Location: my-artifcat-bucket/my-test/canary/my-test/failures/2020/08/29/08/29-05-280
Get last execution logs:
$ serverless logs
Name: my-test
Started: 2020-08-29T08:43:27.000Z
Completed: 2020-08-29T08:43:28.000Z
ArtifactS3Location: my-artifcat-bucket/my-test/canary/my-test/successes/2020/08/29/08/43-28-405
Start Canary
INFO: Event: {"canaryName":"my-test","s3BaseFilePath":"my-artifact-bucket/my-test/","customerCanaryHandlerName":"index.handler","customerCanaryCodeLocation":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:layer:cwsyn-my-test-90ea20c4-156f-4556-83b1-4f5728208018:2","invocationTime":1598690603341}
INFO: Context: {"callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop":true,"functionVersion":"2","functionName":"cwsyn-my-test-90ea20c4-156f-4556-83b1-4f5728208018","memoryLimitInMB":"1000","logGroupName":"/aws/lambda/cwsyn-my-test-90ea20c4-156f-4556-83b1-4f5728208018","logStreamName":"2020/08/29/[2]cc6c02e601b7458388962f97f6e1a339","invokedFunctionArn":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:cwsyn-my-test-90ea20c4-156f-4556-83b1-4f5728208018:2","awsRequestId":"6ecbbe03-2c53-4d05-a73b-89da6cefec7e"}
INFO: Recording configuration:
INFO: canaryName: my-test
INFO: s3BaseFilePath: my-artifact-bucket/my-test/
INFO: awsAccountId: 000000000000
INFO: region: us-east-1
INFO: canaryArn: arn:aws:synthetics:us-east-1:000000000000:canary:my-test
INFO: memoryLimitInMB: 1000
INFO: awsRequestId: 6ecbbe03-2c53-4d05-a73b-89da6cefec7e
INFO: timeRemainingInMillis: 839970
INFO: Launching Puppeteer browser.
INFO: Adding CloudWatchSynthetics/arn:aws:synthetics:us-east-1:000000000000:canary:my-test to user agent header sent with each outbound request.
INFO: Start executing customer steps
INFO: Customer canary entry file name: "index"
INFO: Customer canary entry function name: "handler"
INFO: Calling customer canary: /opt/nodejs/node_modules/index.handler()
INFO: Request: url:
INFO: Response: status: 200 statusText: url:
INFO: Customer canary response: undefined
INFO: Finished executing customer steps
INFO: Getting S3 bucket and key to upload files into.
INFO: s3Bucket: my-artifact-bucket s3Key: my-test/canary/my-test/successes/2020/08/29/08/43-28-405
INFO: Getting list of files under /tmp to upload to S3.
A list of available API for Puppeteer version v5.5.0, the one supported by the latest version Canary runtime version syn-nodejs-puppeteer-3.0
If you want to test Canaries locally refer to aws-synthetics-local.