This app allows a user to type in any two basketball players and will create a graphic visualization of their relationship.
Visit the site at
- Product Owner: Christopher Salam
- Scrum Master: Kim Merino
- Development Team Members: Cristian Avalos, Kim Merino, Kent Ou, Christopher Salam
- Brew install neo4j
- Install or update to java 1.7 or later.
- Type npm install in your console or terminal to install the dependencies
- Type neo4j start in a new tab in your terminal to start the neo4j server
- Type node server.js to start server and open browser to localhost:7473
- Type two players names and press Enter.
- Java 1.7
- Neo4J
- Node
- Express
- Angular
- Bootstrap
- Angular UI Router
The package json contains all necessary dependencies except for java and neo4J.
View the project roadmap and issues here
Our project is still not deployed successfully. The project works in localhost and has a hosted database using graph story, an add on of heroku. The database is located at Graphstory or you can ask someone involved in the project for the database code.
See for contribution guidelines.