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danielgafni committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent aff5ad4 commit 36090c1
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Showing 8 changed files with 180 additions and 252 deletions.
272 changes: 20 additions & 252 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,285 +1,53 @@
# ########################
# ##### PYRIGHT
# ########################

# [Docs root]
# [Config option reference]

# Pyright does not have a docs site, but the documentation (a collection of
# markdown files in the GH repo, linked above) is pretty thorough.
dev-dependencies = [ "ruff==0.5.5",]


include = [

# Unfortunately pyright does not offer a way to extend the default exclusions, so we have to
# reiterate them here if we want to add anything else.
exclude = [

# These two settings point pyright to a python environment to resolve imports against. This virtual
# environment is defined in the `pyright` tox environment in the tox section below-- that
# environment must be built before pyright can run correctly.
include = [ ".buildkite/dagster-buildkite", "docs/dagster-ui-screenshot", "docs/sphinx/_ext/dagster-sphinx", "python_modules", "examples", "integration_tests", "scripts",]
exclude = [ "**/node_modules", "**/__pycache__", "**/__generated__", "**/vendor", "**/_vendored", "**/.tox", ".git", "**/.venv*", "**/build",]
venv = ".venv"
venvPath = "pyright/master"

# Set to false to help us during the transition from mypy to pyright. Mypy does
# not analyze unannotated functions by default, and so as of 2023-02 the codebase contains a large
# number of type errors in unannotated functions. Eventually we can turn off this setting.
analyzeUnannotatedFunctions = false

# Minimum version of Python on which code must run. This determines the standard library stubs used by
# pyright.
pythonVersion = "3.8"

# Use "basic" ruleset. This differs from strict in several ways, but most
# importantly it does not flag untyped code as an error.
typeCheckingMode = "basic"

# Disable reading type annotations from libraries that are not explicitly marked as typed (i.e. that
# include a py.typed file). All imports from these libraries are given the `Unknown` type (i.e.
# `Any`). This setting does not affect `py.typed` libraries.
useLibraryCodeForTypes = false

# We use ruff for this.
reportInvalidStringEscapeSequence = false

# As of 2023-02-02, there are still many `py.typed` libs that are not compliant with the standards
# for defining a public API.
reportPrivateImportUsage = false

# Since we only use pyright, there is no need to suppress type errors that pyright does not
# recognize.
reportUnnecessaryTypeIgnoreComment = "warning"

# ########################
# ##### PYTEST
# ########################


filterwarnings = [

# ########################
# ##### RUFF
# ########################

# [Docs root]
# [Config option reference]
# As of 2022-12-05, the entire documentation of Ruff is in its very long


target-version = "py38"

# *.py, *.ipy are included by default
extend-include = ["*.ipynb"]

extend-exclude = [

# Codebase-wide default line length. Override in package-specific pyproject.toml where a different
# length is desired.
extend-include = [ "*.ipynb",]
extend-exclude = [ "*/__generated__/*", "*/dagster_airflow/vendor/*", "*/_vendored/*", "*/snapshots/*", "python_modules/libraries/dagstermill/dagstermill_tests/notebooks/cli_test_scaffold.ipynb",]
line-length = 100

# Fail if Ruff is not running this version.
required-version = "0.5.5"


# we only want to format notebooks, not lint them
exclude = ["*.ipynb"]

ignore = [

# (missing public docstrings) These work off of the Python sense of "public", rather than our
# bespoke definition based off of `@public`. When ruff supports custom plugins then we can write
# appropriate rules to require docstrings for `@public`.

# (docstring imperative mood) Overly restrictive.

# (module level import not at top) There are several places where we use e.g.
# warnings.filterwarings calls before imports.

# (line too long): This fires for comments, which the ruff formatter won't auto-wrap. Disabling
# until there is an autoformat solution available for comments.

# (no type comparison): There are a few places where we use `== type(None)` which are more clear
# than the equivalent `isinstance` check.

# (bare exception): There are many places where we want to catch a maximally generic exception.

# (no assign lambda): existing code assigns lambdas in a few places. With ruff formatting
# requiring extra empty lines between defs, disallowing lambda assignment can make code less
# readable.

# (try-except-in-loop) we use this pattern in many places and the performance impact is negligible

# (no concatenation) Existing codebase has many concatentations, no reason to disallow them.

# (use ClassVar for attr declarations with defaults) This is a good rule for vanilla Python, but
# triggers false positives for many libs that have DSLs that make use of attr defaults.


# (assorted docstring rules) There are too many violations of these to enable
# right now, but we should enable after fixing the violations.
"D200", # (one-line docstring should fit)
"D205", # (blank line after summary)
"D417", # (missing arg in docstring)

# (assorted perf rules) We have a lot of violations, enable when autofix is available
"PERF401", # (manual-list-comprehension)
"PERF402", # (manual-list-copy)

# By default, ruff only uses all "E" (pycodestyle) and "F" (pyflakes) rules.
# Here we append to the defaults.
select = [

# (flake8-builtins) detect shadowing of python builtin symbols by variables and arguments.
# Attributes are OK (which is why A003) is not included here.

# (useless expression): Expressions that aren't assigned to anything are typically bugs.

# (static key dict comprehension): Flag reuse of a key in dict comprehensions.

# (pydocstyle) Docstring-related rules. A large subset of these are ignored by the
# "convention=google" setting, we set under tool.ruff.pydocstyle.

# (pycodestyle) pycodestyle rules

# (pyflakes) pyflakes rules

# (isort) detect improperly sorted imports

# (performance) perflint rules

# (pylint) use all pylint rules from categories "Convention", "Error", and "Warning" (ruff
# currently implements only a subset of pylint's rules)

# (no commented out code) keep commented out code blocks out of the codebase
# "ERA001",

# (ruff-specific) Enable all ruff-specific checks (i.e. not ports of
# functionality from an existing linter).

# (private member access) Flag access to `_`-prefixed symbols. By default the various special
# methods on `NamedTuple` are ignored (e.g. `_replace`).

# (flake8-type-checking) Auto-sort imports into TYPE_CHECKING blocks depending on whether
# they are runtime or type-only imports.

# (banned-api) Flag use of banned APIs. See tool.ruff.flake8-tidy-imports.banned-api for details.
module_name = ""

# (disallow print statements) keep debugging statements out of the codebase
members = [ "python_modules/dagster-pipes",]

# (f-strings) use f-strings instead of .format()
exclude = [ "*.ipynb",]
ignore = [ "D100", "D101", "D102", "D103", "D104", "D105", "D106", "D107", "D401", "E402", "E501", "E721", "E722", "E731", "PERF203", "RUF005", "RUF012", "D200", "D205", "D417", "PERF401", "PERF402",]
select = [ "A001", "A002", "B018", "B035", "D", "E", "F", "I001", "PERF", "PLE", "PLW", "RUF", "SLF001", "TCH", "TID251", "T20", "UP032", "W605",]

# (invalid escape sequence) flag errant backslashes
filterwarnings = [ "ignore::dagster.ExperimentalWarning", "ignore::DeprecationWarning", "ignore::UserWarning", "ignore::pytest.PytestCollectionWarning",]


# We use `id` in many places and almost never want to use the python builtin.
builtins-ignorelist = ["id"]


"__future__.annotations".msg = "Directly quote annotations instead."
builtins-ignorelist = [ "id",]


# Combine multiple `from foo import bar as baz` statements with the same source
# (`foo`) into a single statement.
combine-as-imports = true

# In cases where imports are automatically removed, allows the imports to be automatically collapsed
split-on-trailing-comma = false

# Imports of the form `from foo import bar as baz` show one `import bar as baz`
# per line. Useful for files that just re-export symbols.
force-wrap-aliases = true


# Don't format docstrings in alembic migrations.
"**/alembic/versions/*.py" = ["D"]
"**/alembic/versions/*.py" = [ "D",]


# Enforce google-style docstrings. This is equivalent to ignoring a large number of pydocstyle (D)
# rules incompatible with google-style docstrings. See:
convention = "google"

module_name = ""
msg = "Directly quote annotations instead."
Empty file.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions python_modules/dagster-pipes/pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name = "dagster-pipes"
version = "1!0+dev"
description = "Toolkit for Dagster integrations with transform logic outside of Dagster"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.8,<3.13"
dependencies = []
classifiers = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",]
name = "Dagster Labs"
email = ""

requires = [ "hatchling",]
build-backend = ""

text = "Apache-2.0"

Homepage = ""

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