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Releases: dahliaOS/calculator

dahliaOS Calculator v1.2.1 (220526)

26 May 17:06
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This release fixes a bug or two and makes the way for the dahliaOS Calculator's release on F-Droid.

dahliaOS Calculator v1.2.0 (220327)

27 Mar 16:35
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This release is the first to be properly tagged on GitHub (whoops!) and should be the app's first release on F-Droid.

In the last release, some button sequences would cause calculator errors, such as repeating operators or incomplete functions. Now, some of these cases have been blocked. If you find a sequence that isn't blocked that should be, or a sequence that is blocked and shouldn't be, please file an issue. This behavior can be overridden by long-pressing the button you want to use.