- Background
- Prerequisites
- Warnings
- Installation guide
- Installation verification
- Optional set-ups
- Usage
- Licensing
- Dependencies
- Versioning
It is very common for me to have learnt something, and then forgetting it after a day or two, if the same information does not appear to me repeatedly. Using flashcards may help. However, I'm too lazy to jot things down on physical flashcards. Even if I have written some, I may not have the motivation to pick them up and refresh my memory. Flashcard Apps could be an alternative. I want to have a handy flashcard system which I can add and delete flashcards, and the flashcard system will pop up random flashcards I added from time to time. Instead of searching the App store / Google Play Store for an app that meets my requirements, which are usually too bulky in functionalities, I decided to make one myself.
The project uses Docker as the platform. MongoDB as the backend to store the flashcards. Telegram as the frontend to interact with the user. Python as the programming language to link everything up.
- A computer
- Telegram installed on your phone
- This project was tested on Ubuntu Focal 20.04 only. The Installation guide may not be applicable to other versions and operating systems.
- Install Docker Engine.
- Manage Docker as a non-root user.
- Apply to Linux users only
- Offical tutorial
- Configure Docker to start on boot.
- Apply to Linux users only
- Offical tutorial
- Install Docker Compose.
- Apply to Linux users only
- Offical tutorial
- Create a new Telegram bot
- Obtain your Telegram Chat ID
- Send any message to your bot created in the step "Create a new Telegram bot".
- In a web browser, go to the following URL:
, where<token>
in the URL should be replaced with the token obtained in the step "Create a new Telegram bot". - The browser should return a JSON format string like:
{"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":452275448,"message":{"message_id":489,"from":{"id":123456789,"is_bot":false, ...
- The integer following
will be your Chat ID. - Reference
- Clone this repository to the host machine.
- Set up
- In the project directory, copy
and name it as.env
. - Copy and paste the token obtained in the step "Create a new Telegram bot" after
. - Copy and paste the Chat ID obtained in the step "Obtain your Telegram Chat ID" after
. - Refer to here for optional setups.
- In the project directory, copy
- Build the containers
- Run command
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose build
. - Official Manual
- Run command
- Start the containers
- Run command
docker-compose up -d
. - Official Manual
- Run command
In telegram, send the word info
to your bot. Installation is successful if you get a reply.
If any value is changed after the step Build the containers in the Installation guide, perform the steps Build the containers and Start the containers again so the change will take effect.
- If you are not located in Hong Kong, you will probably want to change the timezone information of the flashcard system. See the links below to search for your time zone. Replace
in the file with the chosen time zone name, in the format of<Region>/<City>
. - List of Time Zones
- Docs: timezonedb. List of Time Zones
- Docs: Wikipedia. List of tz database time zones
- Number of times in an hour that the bot will determine whether to perform flashcard pop-up(s) or not. Default is 12, that is, the bot would consider flashcard pop-up(s) at every 5 minutes. You can change it to an integer given that 60 is divisible by it. i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60.
Every message you sent to your bot should follow a specific format. If the format is not observed, the bot will not be able to interpret the message and Unknown instruction
will be replied.
Basically, an instruction has the following format:
<instruction type>; <parameter 1>; <parameter 2>; <parameter 3>
Every message should start with the instruction type. If the instruction does not need extra parameters, send it and the bot will be able to interpret the instruction and give you a reply.
If the instruction does require extra parameter(s), separate them with a semi-colon. Because of this, you must not contain any semi-colon in you parameter strings. Otherwise, the bot will treat it as a parameter separator.
You are allowed to add or not adding whitespaces before and after the semi-colons. These whitespaces will be removed anyway. For example, the following ways are all valid.
<instruction type>;<parameter 1>
<instruction type>; <parameter 1>
<instruction type> ; <parameter 1>
<instruction type>;<parameter 1>
Instruction types are not case-sensitive. That is, for the instruction add, you can also type Add / ADD / aDd, etc. However, parameters are case-sensitive, so you may store the word apple and Apple as two flashcards.
add; <key>; <explanation>; [remarks]
- Parameters:
- key: the word / phase that you want to memorize. Cannot be pure numbers.
- explanation: the explanation of the key so that you know what it means
- remarks (Optional): Some extra information you would like to add. e.g. an example usage of the key in a sentence.
- Reply from bot:
- The flashcard produced.
- The integers
at the bottom of the flashcard represents its ID and priority respectively. - The ID is unique for each flashcard, and can be used to refer to the flashcard in some other instructions.
- See instruction Change flashcard priority for detailed description of flashcard priority.
- The flashcard produced.
del; <key>
- Parameters:
- key: The key or the ID of the flashcard you want to delete.
- Reply from bot:
show; <key>
- Usage:
- Recalled a key and you want to obtain its meaning.
- Parameters:
- key: The key or the ID of the flashcard you want to show.
- Reply from bot:
- The flashcard.
- Notices
- Refer to the instruction Add a flashcard for detailed description of the flashcard.
- This instruction will not affect the priority of the flashcard.
pri; <key>; <value>
- Background:
- The priority of the flashcard affects the probability of popping up. The range of value is
[0, 99]
. A higher value means a higher chance that the bot will select this flashcard and show to you. After the flashcard being selected and shown by the bot, its priority will decrease. As a result, a freshly added flashcard would popped up frequently at the first few days, and its appearance would decrease subsequently.
- The priority of the flashcard affects the probability of popping up. The range of value is
- Usage:
- Increase / decrease the probability of the flashcard being seleted by the bot for random flashcard pop ups.
- Parameters:
- key: The key or the ID of the flashcard you want to have the priority changed.
- value: The value to be added to the flashcard's current priority. If you want to reduce the priority, provide a negative value. If the value is not provided, 1 is assumed.
- Reply from bot:
- The key of the flashcard with priority changed.
time; <hour index>; <value>
- Background:
- Each hour in the 24-hour clock format has its priority value. This value determines the probability of the bot to perform flashcard pop up(s) in this hour. The range of priority value is
[0, 999]
, larger for higher priority. - Initially, Hour 0 to 6 have priority values of 0, meaning that the bot will not perform any flashcard pop up in these hours. Hour 7 to 23 have priority value of 499, meaning that these hours have the same probability for flashcard pop up(s).
- Whenever the bot receives a valid instruction, the priority at that hour may increase by 1.
- If the priority of any hour exceeds 999, all the hours will have their priorities rescaled so that all values will be within the limit, while conserving the priority ratio between hours.
- Each hour in the 24-hour clock format has its priority value. This value determines the probability of the bot to perform flashcard pop up(s) in this hour. The range of priority value is
- Usage:
- Increase / decrease the probability of flashcard pop up(s) for a specific hour.
- Parameters:
- hour index: The hour to have its priority changed. Range is
[0, 23]
, in local time zone. - value: The value to be added to the hour's current priority. If you want to reduce the priority, provide a negative value. If the value is not provided, 1 is assumed.
- hour index: The hour to have its priority changed. Range is
- Reply from bot:
- The new priority value at that hour.
freq; <value>
- Usage:
- Set the maximum number of flashcard pop-ups in a day.
- Parameters:
- value: THe number of flashcard pop-ups you would like to see in a day. (Default: 10)
- Reply from bot:
- The new frequency value.
- Usage:
- Show information of the current flashcard system.
- Reply from bot:
- Exmaple:
- All the 3-digit arrays are in row-major order.
- Flashcard showing distribution:
- Day: number of flashcard pop-ups at each hour of the day. It will be regenerated at the start of each day, or whenever the flashcard pop-ups frequency changed.
- Hour: number of flashcard pop-ups at each job of the current hour. It will be regenerated at the start of each hour, or whenever the flashcard pop-ups frequency changed. Number of jobs in an hour is defined in the
- Exmaple:
help; [instruction type]
- Usage:
- Obtain the list of available instructions, or the usage of a particular instruction.
- Parameters:
- instruction type (Optional): Provide the instruction type if you want to know the usage of a particular instruction. Ignore it if you just want to obtain the list of available instructions.
- Reply from bot:
- The list of available instructions, or the usage of a particular instruction.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.
This project is dependent on third-party libraries or other resources listed below.
- Docker
- Docker Inc.
- Apache License 2.0
- Docker compose
- Docker Inc.
- Apache License 2.0
- MongoDB
- MongoDB, Inc.
- Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1
- NumPy
- NumPy Developers.
- NumPy license
- pymongo
- MongoDB, Inc.
- Apache License 2.0
- python-telegram-bot
- python-telegram-bot
- LGPL-3
This project follows the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0