DiskCache is a disk and file-backed caching library, used in the same way as Redis.
go get github.com/dairoot/diskcache
package main
import (
func main() {
cacheKey := "cache_key"
valueStr := "value"
cache := diskcache.NewDiskCache(".cache/")
// Add another item that never expires.
cache.Set(cacheKey, valueStr, 0)
// Set the item in the cache if it doesn't already exist.
cache.SetNx(cacheKey, valueStr, 0)
// Get the item from the cache.
// Remove the item from the cache.
// Check if the item exists in the cache.
// Set an item that expires in 60 seconds.
cache.Expire(cacheKey, 60)
// Adds a list item
cache.LPush(cacheKey, "xx1")
cache.LPush(cacheKey, "xx2")
cache.LPush(cacheKey, "xx3")
// Removes the specified values from the list stored at key
cache.LRem(cacheKey, "xx2")
// Returns the length of the list stored at key
// Removes and returns the first element of the list
// Removes and returns the last element of the list
// Returns elements within the specified interval in the list
cache.LRange(cacheKey, 0, 3)
// Adds the specified members to the set stored at key
cache.SAdd(cacheKey, "xx1")
cache.SAdd(cacheKey, "xx2")
cache.SAdd(cacheKey, "xx3")
// Removes the specified values from the list stored at key
cache.SRem(cacheKey, "xx2")
// Removes and returns one random elements from the set value stored at key
// Increment the integer value of a key by one