A RasPi application for a RFID controlled musicbox for local files like e.g. MP3s.
The user can store the names of playlists on RFID-tags, or he can link RFID-tag-UIDs to playlist names. Once the RC522-RFID-reader attached to the RasPi detects a corresponding tag, it starts playing the playlist. The playback is stopped when the end of the playlist is reached or when the tag is removed.
Just create "/etc/xdg/autostart/lidabox.desktop" containing:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal --working-directory="/<PATH>/<TO>/<LIdaBox>/" --command="python lidabox.py"
LIdaBox uses MFRC522-python by mxgxw, and VLC media player. Originally streaming with Google Play Music was possible via gmusicapi, but unfortunately Google discontinued GPM in 2020.