CEN3031 Group Project Directory
Member1: Dakota D. Cappel (Scrum Master) Member2: Charles B Ulrich Member3: Vivian Sung Member4: Joshua I. Weinstein
Instructions on how to play:
- Download Processing v. 3.5.4 -https://processing.org/download , choose v 3.5.4 under Stable Releases
- Install Processing on your computer, following the installer's instructions.
- Download the code from this repository. This can be done through the command line, or simply from the website.
- Move the folder 'LevelSelect' to a desired location- i.e., Documents, Desktop, etc.
- Open the file labeled 'LevelSelect.pde'.
- If there is a prompt asking you to create a new folder with the name 'LevelSelect', click 'Yes' to make a new folder.
- If step 6 is followed, make sure to move all other .pde files and the 'data' folder to this new folder.
- You should now be able to open and run 'LevelSelect.pde'.
- If you see all of the other .pde files in the window as tabs, click the Play button ("Run"). If not, refer to step 7.
- Enjoy the game!