The holiday price scraper app is a Spring Boot application which runs as a FAAS. The service scraps holiday prices for stored search criteria and alerts receipts to price changes.
The following websites can be scrapped for prices
- First Choice
- TUI < Not Yet Supported, Planned in Next Revision >
- Standalone Spring Boot App
- AMS Lambda
- Azure Functions < Not Yet Supported, Planned in Next Revision >
Regardless of the run environment, all deployments require the following settings
and imgurClientSecret
must be set as environment variables
imgurClientId=<your imgur client ID>
imgurClientSecret=<your imgur client secret>
When running standalone, the persistence of the criteria and search results are stored in the local filesystem, there are several required properties needed to support this
mailserverUser=<your mail server username>
mailserverPassword=<your mail server password>
# is optional, will default to OS's temporary folder path<location where criteria and results will be persisted>
To run the application standalone, you must set the maven profile to boot
To run as function in AWS lambda, you must select Java 8 as the "Function Code" runtime value, for the "Handler" values
you must set this to com.daledev.holidaypricescrapper.function.PriceCheckAwsHandler
. The jar which you upload must be built with
the maven profile aws