Off-Broadway is a scripting app that allows users to choose actors, create scripts and watch them ‘acted out’ in a 2D theater. A user begins by either selecting from a list of preexisting productions or creating a custom production. If the user chooses to create a custom production, they first will write a script.
The user may choose to write a custom script from scratch or can select to have the script populated for a faster animated experience. The user chooses which character will say the lines (charater a or character b), what the lines will be for each character (total of 5) and will choose a title.
Once the form is filled in, the user then selects actors to perform the script. There is a small selection of actor from which to choose. Afte the user selects the 2 users for the script, the productuon is complete. The user can then select the recently created production from their collection of productions and see it animmated.
Frontend: React JS
Backend: Rails
No tests provided.
First, fork or clone the backend. After you've done that, navigate into the folder where you saved the repo and run:
$ rails s
That will get the server for the back end up and running.
To run the frontend, you can install Node.js here.
After you install Node.js, clone or fork this repo, navigate into the repo and run:
$ npm install
to install all packages and dependencies. Then run:
$ npm start
Contributions welcome. Please fork and clone this repository to do so.
This project was created in partnership between William Dale and Brie Saez).
MIT © William Dale and Brie Saez