LEDerhosen is a project to turn a NeoPixel RGBW LED strip into an audio spectrum visualization. I will update this with some photos/videos once the physical hardware looks a little bit better.
This repo contains the desktop app, meant to be paired with a microcontroller running the LEDerhosen-Firmware.
There are two main "apps" housed in the project.
- The "server" runs on a machine which is directly connected to the microcontroller by the USB serial port. It receives OSC messages for the heights of the columns.
- The "client" runs on the machine with audio input. It does the bulk of the audio processing and sends it over to the server. The client and server can be run on the same machine, if you like.
To build a single fat binary:
./gradlew clean assemble
The binary will be located at /build/LEDerhosen
Usage: LEDerhosen [options] [command] [command options]
--help, -h
Prints usage information
Default: false
client Runs the LEDerhosen client
Usage: client [options]
--big-endian, -b
Whether audio input is big endian
Default: false
--buffer-overlap, -o
Audio buffer overlap
Default: 3072
--buffer-size, -u
Audio buffer size
Default: 4096
--channels, -n
Number of channels in audio
Default: 1
--columns, -c
Number of columns (bars) in the spectrum
Default: 16
* --host, -h
Server host to transmit messages to
* --input, -i
Name of audio input mixer
--list-inputs, -l
List available audio inputs
Default: false
--max-amplitude, -a
Maximum amplitude for bar scaling
Default: 400.0
--port, -p
Server port
Default: 1605
--sample-rate, -r
Audio sample rate
Default: 44100.0
--sample-size, -s
Audio sample size (in bits)
Default: 16
--signed, -x
Whether audio input is signed
Default: true
server Runs the LEDerhosen server
Usage: server [options]
--columns, -c
Number of columns (bars) in the spectrum
Default: 16
--list-serial-ports, -l
List available serial ports
Default: false
--osc-port, -p
Port to run the OSC server on
Default: 1605
--rows, -r
Number of rows in the spectrum
Default: 15
* --serial-port, -s
Device serial port
Turns out that there aren't that many words that start with LED