scala-zeromq facilitates communication using the ZeroMQ messaging library. ZeroMQ is a message-oriented socket communication library that supports several high-level messaging patterns, including request-reply, publish-subscribe and push-pull. For a thorough description of how ZeroMQ works, read the guide.
Unlike many ZeroMQ libraries, scala-zeromq provides a completely threadsafe ZeroMQ socket interface. All socket communications are conducted using an immutable handle called a SocketRef. Under the hood, scala-zeromq uses Akka to ensure all socket interactions are handled safely and efficiently.
Requires libzmq (v2.1.0 or greater) and either JZMQ or zeromq-scala-binding, neither is included automatically.
In your build.sbt
resolvers += "mDialog releases" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.mdialog" %% "scala-zeromq" % "1.1.0"
To get started with a quick example, create a few sockets:
val pushSocket = ZeroMQ.socket(SocketType.Push)
val pullSocket = ZeroMQ.socket(SocketType.Pull)
Then, bind one to a socket address and connect the other:
ZeroMQ supports several message transport protocols.
Next, send and receive a couple of messages. The recv
method returns a Future
containing a message if one arrives before the timeout is reached.
pushSocket.send(Message(ByteString("one"), ByteString("two")))
val message = pullSocket.recv() // returns Future, default timeout 1s
Await.result(message, 1000.milliseconds)
// message: zeromq.Message = Message(ByteString("one"), ByteString("two")))
pushSocket.send(Message(ByteString("three"), ByteString("four")))
pullSocket.recv(10.seconds) map (println(_)) // returns Future, timeout 10s
// Message(ByteString("three"), ByteString("four")))
The recvAll
method assigns a function to be called each time a message is
received by the socket.
pullSocket.recvAll { message: Message =>
println("received: " +" "))
pushSocket.send(Message(ByteString("five"), ByteString("six")))
// received: five six
The recvOption
method returns immediately with an option containing a message
if one is waiting to be received.
pushSocket.send(Message(ByteString("seven"), ByteString("eight")))
pullSocket.recvOption // returns immediately with message, if one is waiting
// Option[zeromq.Message] = Some(Message(ByteString("seven"), ByteString("eight")))
A scala-zeromq Message is a collection of akka.util.ByteString objects. Each item in the collection contains one ZeroMQ message part.
If you'd like to stop receiving messages on a socket, close it.
Once closed a socket it can no longer be used. If you need to send or receive messages again you must create a new socket.
scala-zeromq is implemented as an Akka Extension. To use it's fully asynchronous Akka interface, just load the extension.
This branch uses Akka 2.3, the latest release version of Akka. If you're using Akka 2.2, please use version 0.2.5. If you're using Akka 2.1 see the 0.1.X branch. If you're using Akka 2.0, see the 0.0.X branch.
Use the extension to request a new socket. Assign an ActorRef as listener if you expect the socket to receive messages.
val zmq = ZeroMQExtension(system)
val pushSocket = zmq.newSocket(SocketType.Push, Bind("tcp://localhost:5560"))
val pullSocket = zmq.newSocket(SocketType.Pull, Connect("tcp://localhost:5560"), Listener(anActorRef))
Each socket is a child of the actor responsible for creating it.
To send messages over the socket, send them to the socket actor.
pushSocket ! Message(ByteString("one"), ByteString("two"))
Messages are received as zeromq.Message objects sent to the actor assigned as each socket's listener.
You can get and set options after socket creation by sending messages to the socket actor.
pushSocket ! Rate(100) // fire and forget
pushSocket ? Rate(100) // return a future, await result to ensure change takes effect
pushSocket ? Rate // returns Rate option
Close the socket by sending a PoisonPill to the socket actor.
pullSocket ! PoisonPill
Read the API documentation here:
This project is released under the Apache License v2, for more details see the 'LICENSE' file.
Fork the project, add tests if possible and send a pull request.
Chris Dinn, Sebastian Hubbard
©2013 mDialog Corp. All rights reserved.