npm i iced-react-loader
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
loaders: {
test: /.iced$/,
loader: "icedReactLoader"
This loader will allow you to use a twice pre compiled dialect of CoffeeScript. The first compilation step parses any JSX syntax in a CoffeeScript file and produces a CoffeeScript equivilant of standard React vanilla JS code. For example,
App = (props)->
{ props.children }
App = (props)->
React.createElement("div", null, ( props.children ))
The next compilation step is to take the CoffeeScript code and feed it to IcedCoffeeScript, which in the last example would produce:
(function() {
var App;
App = function(props) {
return React.createElement("div", null, props.children);
IcedCoffeeScript allows the source code to contain await and defer statements, such as:
longUiProcess = (jsx, callb)->
component = []
await 'users', defer users
for user in users
component.push <div>{}</div>
[jsx].concat component
await longUiProcess <div className='root'></div>, defer component
(function() {
var iced, longUiProcess, __iced_k, __iced_k_noop;
iced = require('iced-runtime');
__iced_k = __iced_k_noop = function() {};
longUiProcess = function(jsx, callb) {
var component, user, users, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
__iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
component = [];
(function(_this) {
return (function(__iced_k) {
__iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
parent: ___iced_passed_deferral
});'users', __iced_deferrals.defer({
assign_fn: (function() {
return function() {
return users = arguments[0];
lineno: 3
})(this)((function(_this) {
return function() {
var _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = users.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
user = users[_i];
component.push(React.createElement("div", null,;
__iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
parent: ___iced_passed_deferral
longUiProcess(React.createElement("div", {
"className": 'root'
}), __iced_deferrals.defer({
assign_fn: (function() {
return function() {
return component = arguments[0];
lineno: 7