Requires Java 1.6 or higher
CML (Chemical Markup Language) is now returned as a String rather than a XOM Element
OPSIN now attempts to identify if a chemical name is ambiguous. Names that appear ambiguous return with a status of WARNING with the structure provided being one interpretation of the name
Added support for "alcohol esters" e.g. phenol acetate [meaning phenyl acetate]
Multiplied unlocanted substitution is now more intelligent e.g. all substituents must connect to same group, and degeneracy of atom environments is taken into account
The ester interpretation is now preferred in more cases where a name does not contain a space but the parent is methanoate/ethanoate/formate/acetate/carbamate
Inorganic oxides are now interpreted, yielding structures with [O-2] ions
Added more trivial names of simple molecules
Support for nitrolic acids
Fixed parsing issue where a directly substituted acetal was not interpretable
Fixed certain groups e.g. phenethyl, not having their suffix attached to a specific location
Corrected interpretation of xanthyl, and various trivial names that look systematic
Name to structure is now ~20% faster
Initialisation time reduced by a third
InChI generation is now ~20% faster
XML processing dependency changed from XOM to Woodstox
Significant internal refactoring
Utility functions designed for internal use are no longer on the public API
Various minor bug fixes
Internal XML Changes:
- Groups lacking a labels attribute now have no locants (previously had ascending numeric locants)
- Syntax for addGroup/addHeteroAtom/addBond attributes changed to be easier to parse and allow specification of whether the name is ambiguous if a locant is not provided