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A library for handling resources in Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems based on the HyperAgents ontologies.

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A library for handling resources in Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems based on the HyperAgents ontologies:

The library can be used to execute actions based on a given signifier. It allows for the registration of custom payload and protocol bindings, and provides built-in bindings for the following protocols:

Table of Contents

Getting Started

You can add hMAS-Java to your project with JitPack to directly use the following libraries:

Add the JitPack repository to your build file


allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }



Add a dependency to WoT-TD-Java


implementation 'com.github.danaivach:hmas-java:main-SNAPSHOT'



Retrieving and Parsing Resource Profiles

To retrieve and parse a resource profile from a URL:

ResourceProfile profile = ResourceProfileGraphReader.readFromURL(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, url);

Or from a local file:

ResourceProfile profile = ResourceProfileGraphReader.readFromFile(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, filePath);

Or just parse it from a string:

ResourceProfile profile = ResourceProfileGraphReader.readFromString(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, myProfile);

To retrieve and parse a resource profile of an artifact, you can directly use the artifact profile reader, e.g.:

ResourceProfile profile = ResourceProfileGraphReader.readFromString(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, artifactProfile);

To retrieve and parse a resource profile of an agent, you can directly use the agent profile reader, e.g.:

AgentProfile profile = AgentProfileGraphReader.readFromString(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, agentProfile);

Creating and Writing Resource Profiles

Agent profiles:

To create a resource profile of an agent:

Agent agent = new Agent.Builder()

ResourceProfile profile = new ResourceProfile.Builder(agent)

The above code snippet creates a ResourceProfile of a BDI Agent. The locations of the resource profile and the agent are (optionally) provided. To serialize the resource profile in Turtle:

String agentProfile = new ResourceProfileGraphWriter(profile)
        .setNamespace("bdi", "")

The generated resource profile:

@base <> .
@prefix hmas: <> .
@prefix bdi: <> .

<> a hmas:ResourceProfile;
  hmas:isProfileOf <> .

<> a hmas:Agent, bdi:BDIAgent.

Artifact Profiles

To create a resource profile of an artifact:

Artifact artifact = new Artifact.Builder()

ResourceProfile profile =
            new ResourceProfile.Builder(artifact)

The above code snippet creates an ResourceProfile of an saref:LightSwitch Artifact (see the SAREF Ontology The profile exposes a Signifier for indicating that the light switch is togglable. This Signifier can be defined in the following manner:

Signifier signifier = new Signifier.Builder(new ActionSpecification.Builder(toggleForm)

This signifier signifies an ActionSpecification of an action that has the semantic type saref:ToggleCommand. The action requires an input defined in an IOSpecification, and is implemented through a toggleForm Form, which is a type of hypermedia control.

An input or output can be defined in an IOSpecification that defines contraints on the expected input or, respectively output, in the form of a SHACL shape. An input or output specification can be of type StringSpecification, IntegerSpecification, DoubleSpecification, FloatSpecification, BooleanSpecification, ValueSpecification (in case expected values are identified by IRIs), or QualifiedValueSpecification (in case expected values have properties). For example, to specify that the input should be a saref:State that saref:hasValue an int value:

QualifiedValueSpecification inputSpecification = new QualifiedValueSpecification.Builder()
                    new IntegerSpecification.Builder()
                            .setName("Toggle Value")
                            .setDescription("Toggle the light switch to the selected value")

Implementation details of an action can be defined in a Form as an HCTL Form. For example, to specify that a request with the PUT HTTP method should be sent to

Form toggleForm = new Form.Builder("")

To serialize the artifact profile in Turtle:

String artifactProfile = new ResourceProfileGraphWriter(profile)
        .setNamespace("saref", "")

The generated artifact profile:

@base <> .
@prefix hctl: <> .
@prefix htv: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xs: <> .
@prefix saref: <> .
@prefix hmas: <> .

<> a hmas:ResourceProfile;
  hmas:isProfileOf <#artifact> ;
  hmas:exposesSignifier [ a hmas:Signifier ;
    hmas:signifies [  a sh:NodeShape;
     sh:class hmas:ActionExecution, saref:ToggleCommand;
     sh:property [
       sh:path prov:used;
       sh:minCount "1"^^xs:int;
       sh:maxCount "1"^^xs:int;
       sh:hasValue <#form>
     ], [
      sh:path hmas:hasInput ;
      sh:qualifiedValueShape [ a sh:Shape;
        sh:class saref:State;
        sh:property [
          sh:path saref:hasValue;
          sh:name "Toggle Value";
          sh:description "Toggle the light switch to the selected value";
          sh:defaultValue "0"^^xs:int;
          sh:minCount "1"^^xs:int;
          sh:maxCount "1"^^xs:int;
          sh:datatype xs:int
      ] ;
      sh:qualifiedMaxCount "1"^^xs:int; 

 <#artifact> a hmas:Artifact, saref:LightSwitch .
<#form> a hctl:Form;
  hctl:hasTarget <> ;
  htv:methodName "PUT" ;
  hctl:forContentType "application/light+json" .

Workspace Profiles

To create a resource profile of a workspace:

Workspace workspace = new Workspace.Builder()

ResourceProfile profile = new ResourceProfile.Builder(workspace)
        .build() ;

The above code snippet creates a ResourceProfile of a Workspace that contains the agent and the artifact previously defined. The resource profile can be serialized in Turtle using the ResourceProfileGraphWriter (see serialization of agent profiles).

Hypermedia MAS Platform Profiles

To create a resource profile of a Hypermedia MAS Platform:

ResourceProfile profile = new ResourceProfile.Builder(new HypermediaMASPlatform.Builder()
        .build() ;

The above code snippet creates a ResourceProfile of a HypermediaMASPlatform that hosts the agent, the artifact, and the workspace previously defined. The resource profile can be serialized in Turtle using the ResourceProfileGraphWriter (see serialization of agent profiles).

Interacting Through Signifiers

Executing Actions

Signifiers exposed in resource profiles can be used to execute actions. First, we need to retrieve a signifier from a resource profile, and its signified action specification. For instance, we can retrieve an action specification based on the semantic type of an action execution:

String actionType = "";
Optional<Signifier> signifier = profile.getFirstExposedSignifier(actionType);

if (signifier.isPresent()) {
  ActionSpecification actionSpec = signifier.get().getActionSpecification();

The form of the action specification can be used to prepare an action for execution. For example, if there is a registered protocol binding that is compatible with the protocol scheme of the form's target, then an Action object could be created and executed as follows:

Form form = actionSpec.getFirstForm();
PayloadBinding payloadBinding = PayloadBindings.getBinding(form);

Action action = protocolBinding.bind(form);
ActionExecution actionExec = action.execute();

Alternatively, an agent can execute an action by providing an actor id that adentifies it. In the case that the built-in HTTP protocol binding is used, the actor id will be used to specify the X-Agent-WebID header of the generated HTTP action.

String actorId = "";
ActionExecution actionExec = action.execute(actorId);

Additionally, if there is a registered payload binding that is compatible with the content type in the form, then an Input object could be created and used for executing an action. For instance, the following signifies the specification of an action for registering as the operator of an XArm robotic arm. The action requires an input whose constraints are specified in a SHACL shape (see Artifact Profiles for more about input specifications). The form specifies that the input should be serialized based on the application/xarm+json content type.

@base <> .
@prefix hctl: <> .
@prefix htv: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xs: <> .
@prefix onto: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix hmas: <> .

<#registerable> a hmas:Signifier ;
  hmas:signifies [  a sh:NodeShape;
    sh:class hmas:ActionExecution, onto:LogIn ;
    sh:property [
       sh:path prov:used ;
       sh:minCount "1"^^xs:int ;
       sh:maxCount "1"^^xs:int ;
       sh:hasValue <#form>
    ], [
      sh:path hmas:hasInput ;
      sh:qualifiedValueShape <#input-spec> ;
      sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
      sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;
    ], [
      sh:path hmas:hasOutput ;
      sh:qualifiedValueShape <#output-spec> ;
      sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
      sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;

<#input-spec> a sh:Shape ;
  sh:class foaf:Agent ;
  sh:property [
    sh:path foaf:name ;
    sh:minCount 1;
    sh:maxCount 1 ;
    sh:datatype xs:string
  ], [
    sh:path foaf:mbox ;
    sh:minCount 1;
    sh:maxCount 1 ;
    sh:datatype xs:string

<#output-spec> a sh:Shape ;
  sh:class foaf:Agent ;
  sh:property [
    sh:path foaf:account ;
    sh:minCount 1;
    sh:maxCount 1 ;
    sh:datatype xs:string
  ] .
<#form> a hctl:Form;
  hctl:hasTarget <> ;
  htv:methodName "POST" ;
  hctl:forContentType "application/xarm+json" .

Based on the input specification, we can construct an input map, where the semantic annotations(s) of the specified input are used as map keys. For instance, to register as the operator of the robotic arm, the map holds the name and the mailbox address of the registering agent based on annotations defined by the FOAF vocabulary. Then, a payload binding that is compatible with the content type application/xam+json can be used to construct an input. The generated input is selialized based on the content type application/xam+json and validated (TBD) based on the input specification.

ProtocolBinding protocolBinding = PayloadBindings.getBinding(form);

HashMap<String, String> agentDetails = new HashMap<>();
agentDetails.put("", "Alice");
agentDetails.put("", "");

Optional<IOSpecification> inputSpec = actionSpec.getInputSpecification();
if (inputSpec.isPresent()) {
  Input input = payloadBinding.bind(inputSpec, agentDetails);
  ActionExecution actionExec = action.execute(input);

In case an output specification is signified, the raw output data can be retrieved from the ActionExecution object. The output data can be de-serialized using the relevant payload binding.

Optional<IOSpecification> outputSpec = actionSpec.getOutputSpecification();
if (outputSpec.isPresent()) {
  Map<String, Object> accountDetails = payloadBinding.unbind(outputSpec, actionExec.getOutputData());

Registering Custom Payload and Protocol Bidnings



A library for handling resources in Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems based on the HyperAgents ontologies.






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