- My company uses an old version of exchange that doesnt play nicely with various native email clients available for ubuntu 12.04
- Without a full blown VM, I can only check mail via Outlook Web Access (OWA)
- Because OWA only works correctly in IE, it falls back to OWA Light
- :(
- I just want to know when I have unread messages
- This was quick and dirty, no apologies :)
- Redis installed locally - yes I know extreme. I don't care, I already had it installed. Fork this or submit a pull request if you want something more sane.
- phantomjs
- Python libs - redis, pynotify, selenium, hashlib
- Put this project somewhere (I put it in ~/email-checker)
- Modify the GLOBALS
- pip install the aforementioned python libs
- Add a cron job
crontab -e
* * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && python /home/dan/email-checker/check-email.py