npm install
npm install -g ts-node
Requires python 3 to be installed and available via python
on the command line.
pip install music21
optional: see music21 documentation for configuration of musicXML editors.
elitism: int
- the number of fittest genotypes that will persist after selection
mutationRate: 0 < float < 1
- the probability of a single gene mutating
populationSize: int
- the number of individuals competing with each other in a population
ambitus: int
- the range of each voice in semitones (eg. 17 = a twelfth)
ranges: int[]
- an array representing the lowest note in each voice's ambitus, beginning with the highest voice
TODO:: put score parsing subprocess into an API. use instead of music21 refactor config to use meter object: numerator: denominator: weights: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]