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ROS Node for Sensable Phantom Omni devices
Requires the omni_description package.
- ~omni_name (default: omni1)
- OMNI_NAME_joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState): The state of each of the omni's joints.
- OMNI_NAME_button (phantom_omni/PhantomButtonEvent): Events for the grey and white buttons.
- OMNI_NAME_force_feedback (phantom_omni/OmniFeedback): Force feedback to be displayed on the omni. Takes a force and a position. If you simultaneously click the grey and white buttons, the omni will 'lock' to the position.
This is based on the original phantom_omni package. However, it has several advantages:
- Catkinized build system
- Compatibility with ROS Groovy
- Uses URDF description of Omni and the robot_state_publisher instead of hardcoded transforms.
- Improved auto-calibration
- Streamlined code / organization / bug fixes.
- Defaults to gravity compensation mode (instead of locking to the 'zero' position).
To see it in action, simply: roslaunch phantom_omni omni.launch