Command line tool to add annotations to an InfluxDB database.
Suitable for batch files, deployment scripts, unicorn logging
- Make sure you've already got InfluxDB up and running. In InfluxDb, create the database that you want to log to.
- Get the latest release for your platform (it's just a single executable)
- Log your annotation data:
influx-annotate -server="http://your-influxdb-server:8086" -tags="application=Super unicorn app" -value="Build_20170414.2"
If you need help, just run influx-annotate -h
There are a few command line parameters available:
Parameter | Description |
server | The InfluxDB server to use. Defaults to 'http://localhost:8086' |
database | The InfluxDB database to use. Defaults to 'events' |
name | The measurement name. Defaults to 'build' |
value | The measurement value |
tags | Comma separated list of tags. Example: application=My app name,env=dev,machine=server01 |