While researching productivity methods and agile methodologies I learned about the Kanban method.
I thought making a kanban site would be a fun way to practice my CSS and layout skills and would be a bit more challenging and interesting than the typical to do list app.
I really wanted the board to have drag and drop functionality, and I wanted the user to be able to drop the task item and have it land in a particular order. This is not something I have done before so I had to do some searching. I was able to figure out the 'drag' part by looking through stack overflow and a few blog posts, but the 'drop' part I still didn't quite understand.
At that point I decided to isolate the drag and drop functionality into its own mini-project. I figured this was the best way to focus and would also provide me with a reference to the feature when I wanted to reuse it in the future.
I found a really helpful YouTube video from Web Dev Simplified that explained the logic well so I replicated that to learn and then I used it to apply the functionality to my Kanban board. Huzzah!