Emergency Chat Services
An application for providing information and instruction for those in need during disaster situations via SMS and MMS.
To manually trigger a conversation, send an SMS message to: 647-697-3928.
This operates out of the dataset of fires and shelters which are viewable in the Disaster Admin Console here: https://team6ixapp.mybluemix.net/
To reset the conversation, text "Clear". In the event of the live map updating too slowly, clear your cache.
Main entry point to the REST API --> MessageApi.java
Watson Chat Assistant is used to define conversation flow and branching. RescueBot Watson Chat Assistant workspace --> https://assistant-us-south.watsonplatform.net/us-south/4675dcda-7ce8-4c56-a000-421c223dfdd0/workspaces/e9fc9a95-fbfb-4210-b8e8-bd40cb3bebe2/build/intents
Twilio is used to route text messages to and from the user. For Twilio Account configuration and access speak with Jacob de Vos.
Google Maps API is used for direction retrieval and statc map generation. For the Google API Key, ask @danto1 on slack. This is used to get map snippets which we MMS back to the user.
Jenkins build and log retrieval server --> http://team6ix1.fyre.ibm.com:8080/job/godsplan/ NOTE: The war file generated by this git project is deployed on the LibertyServer, and for convenience, a secondary job retrieves the latest logs from Bluemix.
MapBox - A Mapbox instance is used to store a map view of all users who have used our chat system. The associated REST interactions are found in MapboxClient.java. For account credentials contact @prasanth
Cloudant is the backend database system. Cloudant login information found in CloudantPersistence.java.