Check out the wiki for more detailed information!
The coolest ones:
📋 Grades with independent average calculation - works even if school has disabled it
✉️ Messages with downloading attachments
✅ Attendances with per-semester per-subject frequency %% calculation
🏠 School free days with countdown to next holiday
🍪 Cookies - you won't be logged out each time you close the browser
🧹 Grades cleanup - removes subjects without grades from Grades page
⌛ Cool countdown gauges on home screen
🌙 Dark theme
🎉 Confetti
1. Clone the repo:
git clone && cd librusik
2. Install required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. And, finally run it:
Done! Librusik is now running at localhost:7777.
Go to localhost:7777/panel to manage your Librusik instance. Default user is admin
and password is admin
Interface is friendly enough to painlessly configure your Librusik instance.
Feel free to open new issues when something doesn't work or you want to ask for new features/improvements.
If you encounter a bug, remember to attach some logs (exception traceback or just a detailed description).
Also, ping me somewhere so we can test whether fixes work as intended as I have no access to Librus anymore.
Because this was my first app written in Python, code is a terrible mess. Don't expect it to be super readable and flexible.
It just works (It actually worked since 2019 xD)