A simple WPF DateRangePicker, that allows to select a date range from a calendar control.
I needed a way to let a user select a date range for a DataGrid filter. After some research I was not able to find a control that was capable of what I wanted, so I created this WPF User Control to have a combination of the WPF DatePicker and the WPF Calendar controls, that allows either selecting a single date or a date range.
- C#
- .NET 6
Please find a small sample application under Example.
The DateRangePicker User Control can be used as follows.
- Add the project or the user control to your solution/project.
- Add the namespace for the user control to your XAML
- Use the control in your XAML
SelectedDateRange="{Binding SelectedDates, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
You can bind the SelectedDateRange Property to your ViewModel. This property holds a ObservableCollection<DateTime>
of either one or two dates. Either the single selected DateTime or the first and the last date of the selected date range.