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Bitbucket to Mattermost Notifier

This application serves as a proxy for event payloads ( coming from Bitbucket, formats them, and sends them as useful messages to Mattermost.

Mattermost notifications example


The application can be configured using either environment variables or a config.env file.

The following parameters can be configured:

LISTEN_PORT: The port on which the application will listen for incoming webhooks from Bitbucket (default: 1337)

MATTERMOST_WEBHOOKURL: The URL of the incoming webhook for your Mattermost channel

MATTERMOST_USERNAME: The username that will be displayed as the sender of the message in Mattermost (default: Bitbucket)

MATTERMOST_CHANNEL: The Mattermost channel to which the messages will be sent (default: town-square)

MESSAGE_ICON_EMOJI: The emoji that will be used as the icon for the messages (default: ❗)

INFO_COLOR: The color code to be used for info messages (default: 3498db)

DECLINED_COLOR: The color code to be used for declined messages (default: e74c3c)

WARNING_COLOR: The color code to be used for warning messages (default: f1c40f)

SUCCESS_COLOR: The color code to be used for success messages (default: 2ecc71)

The application will automatically use the environment variables if present, otherwise it will use the values from the config.env file.

Bitbucket configuration

Create a new webhook within your repository you want to receive messages to Mattermost.

Bitbucket configuration

Create incoming webhook in Mattermost

In Mattermost, go to Product menu > Integrations > Incoming Webhook. If you don’t have the Integrations option, incoming webhooks may not be enabled on your Mattermost server or may be disabled for non-admins. They can be enabled by a System Admin from System Console > Integrations > Integration Management. Once incoming webhooks are enabled, continue with the steps below. Select Add Incoming Webhook and add a name and description for the webhook. The description can be up to 500 characters. Select the channel to receive webhook payloads, then select Add to create the webhook.

Running the Application

Go Executable

  1. Download the latest release of the application from the releases page
  2. Create a config.env file with the parameters above (or rename and editing the config.env.sample file)in the root of the executable or set the environment variables
  3. Run the application with ./bitbucket-to-mattermost-notifier

Docker Image

  1. Pull the latest image from Docker Hub or GitHub:

docker pull


docker pull

  1. Run the Docker container as follows:

docker run --name bitbucket-mattermost-notifier --detach --publish 1337:1337 --rm --env MATTERMOST_WEBHOOKURL=<webhook_url> --env MATTERMOST_CHANNEL=<channel>

Make sure to replace <webhook_url> and <channel> with your Mattermost webhook URL and channel respectively. The environment variables can also include all other necessary configuration options as described above.


Once the application is running, configure the webhook URL in your Bitbucket repository settings to point to the URL of your server where the Bitbucket to Mattermost Notifier application is hosted. The application will listen for incoming webhooks and format the payload into a message to be sent to the configured Mattermost channel.

The application will also change the color of the message depending on the event type.

You can also test the application by sending a payload to the listen url with the payload examples in the eventpayload/datacenter/example_payload directory.


The application is designed to work with Bitbucket webhooks, it may not work with other webhooks.


If you have any issues or questions, please open an issue or discussion on the GitHub repository.