All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
8.2.2 (2019-07-23)
8.2.1 (2019-07-16)
8.2.0 (2019-07-16)
- keycloak: do not add authorization header on unauthenticated (#101) (040ab71), closes #95
- select: fix native select icon in ie (#105) (cdbcb75), closes #102
- textarea: fix textarea update issue (#107) (103923f), closes #106
8.1.2 (2019-07-08)
- table: pinMode fails gracefully on ie (#94) (75420e9), closes #58
- typography: fix font-size for fieldset 4k and 5k (#71) (e1d6808)
8.1.1 (2019-07-03)
8.1.0 (2019-07-01)
- business/option: change color of active/hover to red125 (#59) (ddee023)
- checkbox: fix change behavior for checkboxes (#67) (6fac950), closes #20
- datepicker: adds missing button type attributes (#65) (7b21600), closes #61
- keycloak: fixes wrong package name in README (#63) (d2846ad)
- select: change arrow trigger position to absolute (#60) (92512c2)
- table: documents ie11 limitation of pinMode (#64) (f232240), closes #58
- textarea: fixes no-wrap issue in edge (#62) (87c4db6), closes #16
8.0.0 (2019-06-25)
- business/button: change font opacity for disabled buttons (#53) (977fb78)
- business/field: change gray color to fit style guide (#55) (fd3b6b4)
- business/radio-button: change gray color of radio-buttons (#52) (f373ba3)
- datepicker: fixes arrows change detection on manual change (#46) (b9c1efe), closes #40
- datepicker: fixes slave datepicker to only trigger on calender selected date (#45) (47b2da8), closes #36
- pagination: fixes pagination focus issues (#54) (1e1ce4b), closes #17
- processflow: fixes click behavior for future steps (#57) (2e37b4a)
- table: fixes even row styling (#48) (227da9b), closes #29
- textarea: fixes placeholder issue and sizing behavior (#44) (8a87e6e), closes #16
- angular-keycloak: migrates the auth part of esta-webjs-extensions (#50) (f6761c5)
- business/autocomplete: expose autocomplete component for business (#42) (b7ec7c0)
- business/button: expose button component for business (#39) (ed990a2)
- business/datepicker: expose datepicker component for business (#47) (57a075d)
- business/field: expose field component for business applications (#32) (403a97d)
- business/radio-button: expose radio-button component for business (#43) (7a81107)
- business/select: expose select component for business (#41) (0841237)
- business/textarea: expose textarea component for business (#34) (997be3c)
- business/time-input: expose time input component for business applications (#33) (b87a4a3)
- i18n: applies common pattern for i18n ids (#56) (d2c1838)
- i18n: i18n ids have changed.
- pagination: Removes link variants of pagination and navigation components. The link variants caused focus issues, which can not easily be resolved. If you need the link variants, you can open a feature request and we will have another look at it. Several properties of sbb-pagination have been renamed or refactored. Check the documentation for the new specification.
8.0.0-beta.0 (2019-06-14)
- Removed component mixins from published stles.scss and renamed scss color variables to pattern sbbColorName (names used from
7.0.0 (2019-05-28)
- datepicker: convert 2-digit years to 19xx or 20xx (#14) (70b22ee), closes #13
- datepicker: fix invalid input on empty input (#10) (0368615), closes #9
- datepicker: fixes arrow navigation with min and max dates (#12) (a2d1d08), closes #11
- github preparation (#1) (7b73b5e)
- angular-icons: update icons (#6) (a579e74)
- ci: Set up ci/cd with Travis CI (bcf4082)
- Icons in @sbb-esta/angular-public have been deprecated and will be removed in v8. Use the icons from @sbb-esta/angular-icons instead. For a list of available icons, visit