Daniel's main template with pre-commit hooks from pre-commit.com
This module is no longer maintained (archived for historical purposes), and will not receive updates, even security updates.
Not yet created: it may never be. (Note 3)
Note: The default is fairly opinionated (it is primarily for DFD, after all), but can be overridden.
- Uses EditorConfig for an editor neutral default styling (Note 1)
- Uses pre-commit to do (among other things) linting and spell checking prior to a commit succeeding.
- For this repository we also apply the pre-commit as part of the CI pipeline to ensure users have actually used pre-commit locally.
- Hooks we use (by purpose, not name; for the name refer to
the pre-commit config in this repo). This can be
configured (at the least) to be skipped for certain files or regular
expressions (python3 regex).
- Prevent large files from being committed
- Prevent case-only differences in filenames
- Prevent having a 'docstring' after code
- Require that non-binary executables have a 'shebang'
- Require JSON files load without error (in Python)
- Require that files with a 'shebang' are executable
- Prevent committing files with git merge conflict 'leftovers' (e.g. missed markers)
- Ensure there are no dangling symlinks
- Ensure TOML files load without error (in Python)
- Ensure references to files in remote repositories are permalinks (e.g. references to a file in a repo on GitHub).
- Ensure XML files load without error (in Python)
- Prevent commit with symlinks changed to files with the content to which it was pointing
- Detects committing many types of private keys
- Sort specified files alphabetically if they are not already such (will fail the commit if a change is made).
- Remove a UTF-8 byte order marker
- Prevent addition of new git submodules
- Check for mixed line endings (e.g. Window & Linux styles in the same file)
- Prevent committing to specified branches
- main or v0.x...
- Ensure JSON files are sorted and indented with tabs (you can change that if you wish)
- Prevent trailing whitespace except Markdown hard line breaks (in '.md' files)
- Lints CSS
- Lints SCSS
- Lints Markdown
- Lints for certain non-inclusive language
- Lints YAML
- Lints for secrets about to be committed
- Enforces EditorConfig settings for files in repo
- Spell checking uses CSpell
- Defaults to using the following word lists
- A 'technology' word list DFD has on GitHub
- A 'misc' word list DFD has on GitHub
- A project/or repo specific word list (starts empty, you can populate).
- Dictionaries to apply can be overridden for certain paths or file types
- For example you could use a french dictionary for certain files
- TODO: Plans are to increase the number of words in Daniel's word lists and to split into 'tech slang', 'tech', 'missing words (en_CA bias)' for the default dictionaries, 'slang missing words', and 'french words (fr_CA bias)', and 'DFD words' (e.g. variable names and such used in repos by DFD).
- Make sure you have pre-commit installed.
- From the Web UI, choose this template when creating a new repository.
- Clone the new repository to your local workstation.
- Change to the directory created by cloning the new repo.
- Execute
pre-commit install
- Execute
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
- Execute
git commit
and fill in the necessary details - Correct any errors, if any (e.g. if you changed something more).
- Re-execute
git commit
(repeat until success).
- Re-execute
- Execute
git push
And notice that many mistakes are flagged and need to be fixed before you are able to commit. This helps keep things in great shape.
- Support and general questions
- Bugs and feature requests
- Contributing modifications to the repository