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Adhere to freedesktop conventions (instead of ~/.restish) fixes #98 #177
…or#98 * Handle migration from the old config directory (~/.restish) to the new standard location
Covers the case where the base config dir hasn't been created yet.
All test pass now: /go/src/restish # go test -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
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go: downloading github.com/gorilla/css v1.0.0
ok github.com/danielgtaylor/restish 0.027s coverage: 0.0% of statements [no tests to run]
? github.com/danielgtaylor/restish/oauth [no test files]
ok github.com/danielgtaylor/restish/bulk 2.818s coverage: 84.0% of statements
ok github.com/danielgtaylor/restish/cli 0.514s coverage: 75.3% of statements
ok github.com/danielgtaylor/restish/openapi 0.100s coverage: 94.0% of statements |
Just wanted to mention I have this PR running locally and have run into a couple of minor issues I'm trying to sort out, as well as updating the docs for all the different locations the files can now be (which is operating-system dependent unfortunately). |
Happy to help if you mention the issues you've found :) |
Yeah, the one time only migration is a good idea. Do you want me to merge this changes into my branch and update this PR or close it? |
I've gone ahead and merged the other PR and closed this one. I'll let it bake in |
This PR attempt to address #98 in a backwards compatible fashion