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Copyright (C) 2022 Dr. Daniel C. Hatton

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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Daniel Hatton can be contacted on


leastsqtobayes brings to bear the least-squares fitting capabilities of Gnuplot (Williams and Kelley 2015) and the matrix and scalar arithmetic capabilities of Octave (Eaton 2012), producing outputs useful in Bayesian parameter estimation (qv. Jeffreys 1931, 1932) and model comparison (qv. Jeffreys 1935), in a way that neither Gnuplot nor Octave applied separately (nor, to the best of the author’s knowledge, any other widely-available software package) can straightforwardly achieve. Specifically, the outputs produced are the posterior expectations and standard errors of the model’s adjustable parameters, and the marginal likelihood, a goodness-of-fit measure for the model that can be used directly in model comparison.


The situation to which this software is relevant is one in which:

  • it is thought possible that the value of some dependent variable depends on the values of some collection of zero or more independent variables;
  • there exists a data set of empirical measurements of the value of the dependent variable, each accompanied by empirical measurements of the corresponding values of all of the independent variables;
  • there exists at least one theoretical model for predicting the value of the dependent variable from the values of the independent variables;
  • each theoretical model contains zero or more adjustable parameters, i.e. quantities that are asserted in the theoretical model to be constant, and which affect the mapping from independent variable values to dependent variable value, but whose exact values are not known a priori as part of the model; and
  • one wishes to infer from the data set the values of any adjustable parameters in the theoretical models, and, if there is more than one theoretical model, which of the theoretical models is most probably true.


Least squares fitting

Least squares fitting is (Legendre 1805) a particular approach, in the situation described above, to measuring how bad a fit a theoretical model, with given values of its adjustable parameters, is to the empirical data-set, and to minimizing that badness of fit with respect to the parameter values.

The badness of fit is (Bevington and Robinson 2003) measured by a statistic known as chi-squared. The chi-squared statistic is (Epstein et al. 1967) the sum, over all the individual empirical measurements of the dependent variable, of the square of the quotient, by the effective standard uncertainty in the measurement of the dependent variable, of the difference between the measured value of the dependent variable and the value of the dependent variable predicted, from the values of the independent variables and adjustable parameters, by the formula in the theoretical model. Ideally, the effective standard uncertainty should take account of uncertainty in both the dependent variable and the independent variable(s), using the method proposed by Orear (1982); this is a key driver for the selection of Gnuplot as the provider of least-squares fitting capability: while many widely-available software packages provide least-squares fitting routines, only two, to the present author’s knowledge, have the capability to include uncertainties in independent variables in the analysis by the Orear (1982) method. These two are Gnuplot (Williams and Kelley 2015) and Wolfram Experimental Data Analyst [@::EDA]. The latter is closed-source and requires payment of a licence fee, leading the present author to focus on the former.

Typically, the least-squares fitting routine uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Levenberg 1944; Marquardt 1963) to minimize chi-squared with respect to the values of the parameters. It then outputs the values of the parameters that minimize chi-squared (intended as estimates of the “true” parameter values), the minimum value of chi-squared, and in some cases, information about some or all of the elements of the Hessian of chi-squared with respect to the parameters at the minimum (intended for use in estimating the standard errors of the parameters by heuristic methods, qv. Box and Coutie (1956)).

Bayesian parameter estimation

Bayesian methodology also concerns itself (Wrinch and Jeffreys 1921), in this situation, with the badness — or rather goodness — of fit of a theoretical model to a data set. From a Bayesian perspective, the theoretical model is (Wrinch and Jeffreys 1921) conceived of as defining a probability density distribution over the dependent-variable values obtained for the particular measured sets of independent-variable values, conditional on the “event” that the theoretical model is correct, and on particular values of the adjustable parameters. When that probability density function, evaluated at the actual, measured values of the dependent variable, is viewed as a function of the parameter values, it is known as the “likelihood” (qv. Jeffreys 1935), and is the Bayesian measure of the goodness of fit of the model, with particular parameter values, to the data.

To estimate the values of the parameters, Bayes’ theorem is (Jeffreys 1931, 1932) used to “invert” the likelihood, i.e. to compute the probability density distribution over the true values of the parameters, conditional on the “event” that the theoretical model is correct, and on the actual values of the measurements. (The present paper will take for granted that it is philosophically valid to represent by a probability how strongly one believes in the truth of an assertion, but readers should be aware that this is a matter of active controversy.) This “posterior” probability distribution is (Jeffreys 1931, 1932) proportional to the product of the likelihood with a “prior” probability distribution that represents the analyst’s beliefs about the values of the parameters before this data set was considered. The posterior distribution over the parameters can (Jeffreys 1931, 1932) be summarized by the expectation values of those parameters over the distribution, with either their marginal standard deviations or their conditional standard deviations over the distribution being the standard errors.

Bayesian model comparison

Bayesian methodology can (Jeffreys 1935) also apply the same principle to evaluate the relative probabilities of the truth of different theoretical models, in cases where there is more than one theoretical model. For each theoretical model, the probability density distribution over the dependent-variable values obtained for the particular measured sets of independent-variable values, conditional on the “event” that the theoretical model is correct, is (Jeffreys 1935) given by integrating, with respect to the adjustable parameters and over all values of those adjustable parameters, the product of the model’s prior probability density function over the parameters and the probability density distribution over the dependent-variable values obtained for the particular measured sets of independent-variable values, conditional on the “event” that the theoretical model is correct, and on particular values of the adjustable parameters.

When that probability density function, evaluated at the actual, measured values of the dependent variable, is viewed as a property of the model, it is known as the “marginal likelihood” (Khanna 1964; Ando and Kaufman 1965), or sometimes as the “evidence” (MacKay 1992), and is the Bayesian measure of the goodness of fit of the model to the data. Note that it is an average goodness of fit over all values of the parameters: the Bayesian version of Occam’s razor inheres (MacKay 1992) in the fact that the marginal likelihood is, in general, lower than the highest likelihood that can be achieved by fine-tuning the parameter values; due to the presence of this inbuilt Occam’s razor, one can, indeed must, use the same data set for both parameter estimation and model comparison.

At this point, if more than one theoretical model is available, Bayes’ theorem can (Jeffreys 1935) be used again, to invert the probability density over the dependent-variable values obtained for the particular measured sets of independent-variable values, conditional on each “event” that a theoretical model is correct, and compute the probability of the “event” that each theoretical model is correct, conditional on the data being as they in fact are, i.e. the “posterior probability” of each model. This posterior probability is (Jeffreys 1935) proportional to the product of the marginal likelihood with the “prior probability” of the model, representing how strongly one believes that model to be correct before taking into account these data. That completes the Bayesian inference process.

Using least-squares fitting to achieve Bayesian parameter estimation

and model comparison

In the Bayesian approach, the form of the probability density distribution over dependent-variable values obtained for the particular measured sets of independent-variable values, conditional on the “event” that the theoretical model is correct, and on particular values of the adjustable parameters, is a property of the theoretical model. Many theoretical models choose a Gaussian form (Jeffreys (1931) provides a detailed argument for why this should be so), in which case there is an important link between the Bayesian approach and least-squares fitting, namely that the likelihood contains (Bevington and Robinson 2003) a factor that decays exponentially with increasing chi-squared. As a result, the integrals that define the posterior expectations and standard errors of the parameters, and the marginal likelihood, are amenable to approximate solution using Laplace’s method: in the notation of the detailed exposition of Laplace’s method due to Olver (1997), chi-squared plays the role of [2xp\left(t\right)].

On this basis, algebraic formulae for the leading-order Laplace’s method approximations to the posterior expectations and standard deviations of parameters are provided by Lindley (1980), and an algebraic formula for the leading-order Laplace’s method approximation to the marginal likelihood is provided by Kass and Raftery (1995). Yet despite these formulae having been in the open literature for decades, Dunstan, Crowne, and Drew (2022) attribute the perceived complexity of computing the marginal likelihood, which they believe leads to the absence of marginal likelihood computations in most applications of least-squares fitting, to a failure to use these formulae.


The software outputs the leading-order Laplace’s method approximations to the following moments of the posterior probability distribution over the parameters, given the data set:

  • the posterior expectation of each parameter, computed using a single application of equation 3 of Lindley (1980);
  • the posterior marginal standard error of each parameter, computed using two applications of equation 3 of Lindley (1980) (one to compute the posterior expectation of the square of the parameter, one to compute the posterior expectation of the parameter itself;
  • the posterior conditional (on the other parameters taking their expectation values) standard error of each parameter, computed using two applications of equation 3 of Lindley (1980) as above;
  • the coefficients needed to construct linear combinations of the parameters over which the posterior probability distributions are (to leading order) mutually independent, as described by Atzinger (1970);
  • the posterior expectation of each of those linear combinations of the parameters, computed using a single application of equation 3 of Lindley (1980);
  • the posterior standard error of each of those linear combinations of the parameters, computed using two applications of equation 3 of Lindley (1980) as above (there’s no distinction between marginal standard error and conditional standard error in the case where the posterior probability distributions are mutually independent); and
  • the marginal likelihood of the model, computed using equation 5 of Kass and Raftery (1995), for use in the model-comparison step of Bayesian inference, i.e. in determining the relative probability that each model is correct in the case where there is more than one model.


To install and use leastsqtobayes, you will need a system on which Perl (Wall 2022), Gnuplot (version 5.0 or higher) (Williams and Kelley 2015), Octave (Eaton 2012), and GNU Make (Stallman, McGrath, and Smith 2020) are installed; to explore fully the available test case (see the “testing” section below), you will also need the Maxima computer algebra system (Dautermann 2017). To compile this README from source (with make, you will also need Pandoc (MacFarlane 2022).


I assume a GNU/Linux or similar environment. The installation process (and the use of the software) has been tested using Perl v5.30.0, Gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 8, and Octave 5.2.0 under Ubuntu 20.04.3.

  • Copy the source code tree to your local filesystem, e.g. using git clone
  • Change working directory into the top-level directory of the source code tree (cd leastsqtobayes will do this in the context I think most likely to pertain).
  • Run ./configure. If you want to install the software into a hierarchy other than /usr/local, then use the --prefix command-line option, e.g. ./configure --prefix=/usr.
  • Run make install with root privileges, e.g. via sudo make install.


To invoke leastsqtobayes, issue the command

leastsqtobayes <usr_params_and_priors.par> <usr_function> <usr_data.dat>

<usr_params_and_priors.par> is the name of a text file containing a whitespace-separated table, with the names of the adjustable parameters in the first column, and the corresponding selection of prior probability distribution over each parameter in the second column (see “priors” section below for more details).

<usr_function>.gp is the name of a text file containing the specification of the theoretical model, in the format of a Gnuplot function definition (qv. Crawford 2021). The name of the function should also be <usr_function>, i.e. the same as the core of the filename, and the list of arguments of the function should include only the independent variables, not the adjustable parameters.

<usr_data.dat> is the name of a text file containing a whitespace-separated table of the measured data. The first column of the table should contain the measured values of the first independent variable, the second column the standard uncertainties in the measurements of the first independent variable, the third column contains the measured values of the second independent variable (if there is more than one independent variable), the fourth column the standard uncertainties in the measurements of the second independent variable (if there is more than one independent variable), and so on, until the penultimate column contains the measured values of the dependent variable, and the last column contains the standard uncertainties in the measurements of the dependent variable. Hence, the total number of columns should be two more than twice the number of independent variables. The ordering of independent variables (“first”, “second”, etc.) should be the same as the order in which they appear in the list of arguments to the function in <usr_function>.gp.


As outlined in the “invocation” section above, the second column of the table in <usr_params_and_priors.par> needs to contain the selection of prior probability distribution over each parameter named in the first column. The string in the second column of any given row should be one of:

  • lorentzian for the Lorentzian prior proposed by Jeffreys (1961) as a noninformative prior for a location parameter: be aware that, because this gives special status to unity as a parameter value, it can (Jeffreys 1961) be appropriate only if the parameter has quantity dimension 1;
  • loglorentzian for the prior distribution over the parameter that is equivalent to a Lorentzian prior over the natural logarithm of the parameter, i.e. the prior that is to a scale parameter as a Lorentzian prior is to a location parameter;
  • truncatedquadratic for the truncated quadratic prior proposed by Jeffreys (1961) as an otherwise noninformative prior for a parameter whose value is known to lie between a lower bound and an upper bound: in this case, there should be two further columns in the relevant row of the table, with the third column containing the lower-bound value of the parameter, and the fourth column containing the upper-bound value of the parameter;
  • tophat for the top-hat prior proposed by Jeffreys (1935), a simpler way to handle the case of a location parameter that is known to lie between a lower bound and an upper bound: in this case, there should be two further columns in the relevant row of the table, with the third column containing the lower-bound value of the parameter, and the fourth column containing the upper-bound value of the parameter;
  • tophatwithwings for the top-hat distribution with wings proposed as a prior over certain parameters by Hatton (2003) : in this case, there should be two further columns in the relevant row of the table, with the third column containing the value of the parameter at the lower edge of the top hat, and the fourth column containing the value of the parameter at the upper edge of the top-hat;
  • truncatedinverse for the prior distribution, as proposed by Jeffreys (1935), over the parameter that is equivalent to a top-hat prior over the natural logarithm of the parameter, i.e. the prior that is to a scale parameter as a top-hat prior is to a location parameter: in this case, there should be two further columns in the relevant row of the table, with the third column containing the lower-bound value of the parameter, and the fourth column containing the upper-bound value of the parameter; or
  • gaussian for a Gaussian prior, which might (Militkỳ and Čáp 1987) be a suitable prior over a parameter if, e.g., that parameter has been the subject of a previous cycle of estimation from data: in this case, there should be two further columns in the relevant row of the table, with the third column containing the mean of the Gaussian, and the fourth column containing the standard deviation of the Gaussian.


To demonstrate (some of) the capabilities of the software, change working directory into the supplied EXAMPLES directory, and run the command

leastsqtobayes usr_params_and_priors.par usr_function usr_data.dat.

This will carry out the inference process on a relatively simple toy case with a linear model (hence two parameters) fitted to a small data set with just one independent variable.


To test the software is working, change working directory into the supplied EXAMPLES directory, and run the command

leastsqtobayes usr_params_and_priors.par usr_function usr_data_noxuncert.dat.

This will carry out the inference process on an even simpler case than that described in the “demonstration” section above. The correct results from this even simpler toy problem can, alternatively, be determined by hand or using a computer algebra system. The file, within the EXAMPLES directory, is a script for the Maxima computer algebra system that does exactly this, and reveals that the results should be:

  • posterior expectation value and marginal standard error of gradient parameter: 7.41(46);
  • posterior expectation value and marginal standard error of intercept parameter: 7.94(61);
  • posterior expectation value and conditional standard error of gradient parameter: 7.41(31);
  • posterior expectation value and conditional standard error of intercept parameter: 7.94(41);
  • first “mutually independent posterior distributions” linear combination of parameters and its posterior expectation value and standard error: 0.8257223485361581*gradient+0.5640767705977013*intercept = 10.60(37);
  • second “mutually independent posterior distributions” linear combination of parameters and its posterior expectation value and standard error: 0.5640767705977012*gradient-0.825722348536158*intercept = -2.4(1.0);
  • marginal likelihood: 4.053649961753398e-6;
  • natural logarithm of marginal likelihood: -12.4158928575811.


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