A small test application built using the Google Cloud Dataplex / Datacatalog APIs
- uses express.js as a backend server and Vue framework + Quasar for the front end
- Node.js (http://https://nodejs.org)
- npm
- Google Cloud SDK (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install)
npm install
gcloud auth application-default login
Authenticate your user via the browser. User needs to have access to one or more Google Cloud projects where Dataplex and Datacatalog have been set up
In dev mode (for hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) with either:
npm start
or start front end and back end in different console windows (for better seperation of logging etc)
npm run start-quasar
npm run start-server
Application will start on http://localhost:8080 (browser should open automatically after application startup)