Projects for Master's project
All projects are run through main.c. To compile: mpicc main.c kdtree.c kmeans.c bisecting_kmeans.c lsh.c util/dataFunctions.c util/compFunctions.c -lm
To run:
mpiexec -n 1 ./a.out {path to input bin file} -a 0 -nd {number of data points} -d {number of dimensions} -k {number of clusters} -q {number of query points}
Simple serial version available. Main project utilizes MPI and reads data from a binary file. Currently only suited for float values in the binary file(which will be converted to doubles for computation. More options on the TODO list
To run:
mpiexec -n {number of procs} ./a.out {path to input bin file} -a 1 -nd {number of data points} -d {number of dimensions} -k {number of clusters} -q {number of query points}
To run:
mpiexec -n 1 ./a.out {path to input bin file} -a 2 -nd {number of data points} -d {number of dimensions} -m {number hash values (start low)} -w {width of each segment (start high)} -q {number of query points}