Simple Java Vert.x Eventbus TCP-Client (without any dependencies)
A Vert.x EventBus client for java environments, using traditional Socket-IO or NIO. IO and a spare thread to communicate with the vert.x event-bus-tcp-bridge.
- a daemon thread is used to receive data from the vert.x tcp-event-bus-bridge which in turn calls registered consumer handlers
- you can register multiple handlers to the same address, all handlers will be called.
- the daemon thread will report problems and exceptions via registered error handlers (ensure you register one!)
- the thread will reconnect to the vert.x tcp-event-bus-bidge upon lost connection, reregistering used addresses
- exceptions might be thrown on initial connect (e.g. can not reach event-bus-tcp-bridge)
- exceptions are also thrown when sending messages using send() or publish(), i.e. messages are not queued until reconnect etc.
- calling close() will unreg. handlers, shutdown the receiver thread and close the connection. All ressources are cleaned up neatly.
- the library draws heavily on mjson, a json object implementation for java
- right now, only json payload as mjson object is supported (extension possible)
- you can use send() with a handler to respond to an expected reply by the server
- if send() is used with a reply handler, server side fails are dispatched to that handler too (and not to the error handler)
- if send() with reply handler does not receive a reply within 30sec, an error will be received by the reply handler. See the vertx documentation for further information
- there is a traditional socket io and a java nio implementation available
EventBus bus = EventBus.create("localhost", 8089);
bus.consumer("hello", new ConsumerHandler<Json>() {
public void handleMsgFromBus(Message msg) {
if (!msg.isErrorMsg()) {
System.err.println("Received " + msg.getBodyAsMJson().toString());
} else {
System.err.println("ERROR received " + msg.getErrMessage());
// send a message to myself :)
Json jsonPayLoad = Json.object().set("msg", "Hello World");
bus.send("hello", new Message(jsonPayLoad));
mvn test
. Will execute all available tests...... Among the tests are unit tests and some small test-apps.
You will need a vert.x instance with a tcp-event-bus-bridge and permissions in/outbound for the 'echo' and the 'echo2' address
(do not reg. any consumers on this adr.) in order to run the test-suit.
mvn package
. The lib can be found in the target/ folder after maven build and tested the package
as already statet, javaxbus draws heavily on mjson
- There are 4 test-apps inclulded
- The centrix verticel which comes with an echo handler