sudo rm -rf : for parallels
Formerely known as "Remove Parallels All Versions". Renamed because I fixed up the original script, compiled an AppleScript that does the hard work for you, and then bundled it into a self-contained Mac OSX app. Now has a feature that will save your Parallels licence to the Desktop in a folder with a ReadMe file so you don't forget what it is.
Download the Remove Parallels
script to the /usr/bin
directory (requires cURL and sudo):
sudo curl "" -o "/usr/bin/remprls" && sudo chmod 0711 /usr/bin/remprls
Run script from Terminal:
remprls [-s | -r]
Download the Remove Parallels Mac GUI application instead:
remprls | [-r] [-s] |
-r |
Totally removes Parallels including license |
-s |
Saves licence to Desktop and removes Parallels |
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SHA1: e1d9c682c7fc45030c0b0e8f625ddec5c90708c5
MD5: 7ee5205d0f27ca34bee020b0d87963c2