Following features added
1- Account creation
cmd: create_user username
2- File management
2.1: upload files to server
cmd: upload filename
cmd : upload_udp filename
2.2: create folder on server
cmd: create_folder foldername
2.3: move files to/among folder
cmd: move_file source_path
3- Group management
3.1 Create group
cmd: create_group groupname
3.2 List groups
cmd: list_groups
3.3 Join/leave group
cmd: join_group groupname
cmd: leave_group groupname
3.3 List users and user files with path in a group
cmd: list_detail groupname
3.4 Share message in group
cmd: share_msg message text
3.5 Inbox Group Name
cd: inbox g_name
3.5 Download file from any user in group
cmd: get_file groupname/username/file_path
4.1 list all files in your directory on server
cmd : ls . for main path
cmd : ls dirname1