By: Danish Mukhtar Roll No: 2018201016 Mtech CSE
Commands : copy , move , rename, delete_file, delete_dir, create_file, create_dir, snapshot, goto, search Two ways of running this application a. ./file_explorer b. ./file_explorer /home/username/...
1.Minimum size of terminal required for this application is 80 x 25
2.if there is space in file name or directory name use single quote as 'file name one'. if the file conatains single quote as a character (Example : file'name ),use backslash '' before single quote. ***no matter whether there there is space or not ,if file filename contains single quote ,you have to put whole file name in single quotes (Example: 'file'name')
2.syntax for creating directory or file In current directory :
create_file filename1 filename2 .
In any directoy from current directory :
create_file filename1 folder1/folder2
from home
create_file filename1 ~/folder1/folder2
same goes with directory instead of writing create_file ,you have to write create_dir
3.syntax for snapshot : snapshot foldername store_file_name.txt (path from current directory) or snapshot ~/fodler1/foder2/foldername foldername store_file_name.txt (path from home )
To take screenshot of current directory use: snapshot . filename.txt
To take screenshot of Home directory use: snapshot ~/.. filename.txt (two dots)
File will get stored in the directory from where uou are executing application
goto command
goto folder1/fodler2/folder3 or goto / ( to goto home ) or goto ~/folder1/fodler2 ( path from home )
copy command
syntax: copy file1 file2 file3 destination_folder or copy file1 dir1 destination_folder (path from current directory) or copy file1 dir1 ~/destinationpath ( path from home )
you can also use commands copy_file , copy_dir to copy files and directories
*destination path and source path must be different