A Yii wrapper for the git command line executable. Allows access to all git commands via a simple object oriented interface.
Add some files and folders to git
$repository = new AGitRepository; $repository->path = "path/to/your/git/repo"; $repository->add("somefile.txt"); $repository->add("somedirectory");
Commit some files with git
$repository->commit("Added some files");
Checkout a new branch
$repository->checkout("some-new-branch", true); echo $repository->activeBranch->name; // some-new-branch
Checkout an existing branch
$repository->checkout("some-new-branch"); echo $repository->activeBranch->name; // some-new-branch
List all branches
foreach($repository->branches as $branch) { echo $branch->name."\n"; }
List all the commits on the current branch
foreach($repository->activeBranch->commits as $commit) { echo $commit->authorName." at ".$commit->time."\n"; echo $commit->message."\n"; echo str_repeat("-",50)."\n"; }
List all the files affected by the latest commit
foreach($repository->activeBranch->latestCommit->files as $file) { echo $file."\n"; }