a fun little action cable library.
Made with 💖 and TypeScript!
after creatng your channels in rails, use the context provider to connect to your rails app:
the provider takes the following properties:
type ProviderProps = {
url?: string; // optional
LoadingComponent: JSX.Element; // Shown while connecting
devMode?: boolean;
import { ActionCableProvider } from 'reaction-cable-hooks'
<ActionCableProvider {...props}>
type Props<ChannelDataSchema> = {
channel: string;
params: Record<string, string>;
// event handler for recieving channel data
received: (data: ChannelDataSchema) => void;
// Send data across the channel
send?: (data: ChannelDataSchema) => boolean;
onConnected?: () => void;
debug: boolean;
import { useSubscription } from "reaction-cable-hooks";
const YourComponent = () => {
const handleChannelUpdate = (data: SubscriptionResponse) => {
// do somehing with the response
console.log("channel update recieved", data)
const connection = useSubscription<SubscriptionResponse>({
channel: "SomeActionCableChannel",
params: { userId: "some-user-id" },
received: handleChannelUpdate,
const handleClick = () => {
connection.send({ message: "Hello SomeActionCableChannel!" })
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>