demeter is a tool for downloading the .epub files you don't have from a Calibre library. It does this by building a database of books it has seen based on some clever algorithms. At least, that's the idea.
(Demeter only allows scraping a host every 12 hours to prevent overloading the server.)
Download the appropriate demeter binary for your platform from the releases page.
This is a standalone binary, there's no need to install any dependencies.
Move it somewhere in your $PATH so you can call it with demeter
demeter host add
demeter scrape run -d books
For the rest, use the built in help.
This tool can be used for whatever you want, enjoy.
Demeter builds an internal database that is stored in ~/.demeter/demeter.db
When scraping a host, demeter does the following:
- Use the API to collect all book ids
- Check if there a new book ids since the previous scrape
- Use the API to get the details for all the new book ids
- Check the internal db if a book has already been downloaded
- Download the book if it isn't and add it to the internal db
- Mark the host as scraped so it won't do it again within 12 hours
- If the host failed, mark it as failed and disable it after a while
$ demeter -h
demeter is CLI application for scraping calibre hosts and
retrieving books in epub format that are not in your local library.
demeter [command]
Available Commands:
dl download related commands
help Help about any command
host all host related commands
scrape all scrape related commands
$ demeter dl -h
download related commands
demeter dl [command]
dl, download, downloads, dls
Available Commands:
add add a number of hashes to the database
deleterecent delete all downloads from this time period
list list all downloads
$ demeter host -h
all host related commands
demeter host [command]
Available Commands:
add add a host to the scrape list
disable disable a host
enabled make a host active
list list all hosts
rm delete a host
stats Get host stats
$ demeter scrape -h
all scrape related commands
demeter scrape [command]
Available Commands:
run run all scrape jobs
$ demeter scrape run -h
demeter scrape run -h
Go over all defined hosts and if the last scrape
is old enough it will scrape that host.
demeter scrape run [flags]
-h, --help help for run
-d, --outputdir string path to downloaded books to (default "books")
-n, --stepsize int number of books to request per query (default 50)
-u, --useragent string user agent used to identify to calibre hosts (default "demeter / v1")
-w, --workers int number of workers to concurrently download books (default 10)