A app to calculate and display code churn on a project.
This is a web front-end and hooks that trigger builds, but all the data is powered by the churn gem
It displays data like:
- total files with churn above threshold
- avg file, class, and method churn
- the number of files over the avg file, class, and method churn
- churn increase over time
foreman start
bundle exec rackup -p 3000
#or with dev procfile for shotgun reloading
foreman start -f Procfile.dev -e .env.development
#or local with production data (make sure redis and other env vars are set)
RACK_ENV=production foreman start -f Procfile
#local console
bundle exec script/console
#heroku remote console in production more
heroku run script/heroku-console
The documentation for the churn api can be found at churn api docs.
- allow project to submit churn data via churn gem pushing results to the server
- This is done document it
- reduce dependancies and make it easier for people to run churn-site
- setup heroku cron job to run rake tasks that calculates and caches avgs across all projects
- clean up / refactoring
- better test coverage
- better var management... (using dotenv to manage vars now follow https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars for best env var management)
- query the most popular ruby projects on GH and run them through churn
- Fork it.
- Create a branch (git checkout -b my_markup)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added something awesome, it does X which solves problem Y")
- Push to the branch (git push origin my_markup)
- If you haven't already read about good Pull Request practices or have never submitted one before read about submitting your first pull request
- Open a Pull Request
- Awesome thanks I will try to get back to you soon.
- Awesome charts thanks to chart.js
See the file license.txt for copying permission.
This project was originally generated by sinatra template