Welcome to my repository of LeetCode solutions! The main goal is to document my journey through these problems, providing insights and explanations for each solution.
As a software developer and problem-solving enthusiast, I created this repository to track and share my progress on LeetCode. Each solution is accompanied by a detailed explanation of my initial thought process, the approach taken, the worst-case complexities involved, and, of course, the code itself. For simple problems, I only provide the self-documented code and a complexity analysis.
I hope this repository can serve as a useful resource for anyone looking to improve their problem-solving skills or simply looking for a fresh perspective on a problem.
You will find Markdown files, each corresponding to a specific LeetCode problem. The files are named after the problem titles for easy navigation and they reference the problem's URL in the header.
While this is a personal repository, suggestions and feedback are always welcome! If you have any ideas on how to improve a solution or want to suggest alternative approaches, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This repository is open-sourced under the MIT License.
Feel free to reach out to me for any questions or discussions related to these problems. Contact me at [me@danhenderson.dev].