An application for your daily vocabulary training
To run the application jvm
, jre
) version 8.0 or higher is needed
version at least 1.8
version at least 3.5
- (optional) to download sources
- Download source by one of the ways
$> git clone
- Or download using any web-browser from
- Go into
directory - Run
$> mvn clean package -Pprod
For local use after successful compilation copy archive from copious-vocabulary/ui/target/copious-vocabulary-ui-0.0.1.tar.gz
to any directory and extract it. The go into extracted directory and run
for Linux or bin/copious-vocabulary-ui.bat
for Windows.
After initialization process a web-page should be opened in a default web-browser, if it does not happen just open https://localhost:8443
in your favorite web-browser.
Confirm (or add) SSL certificate exception, if needed.
Default username and password are user:user.
- Login with username and password (default user:user)
- Click "Add Vocabulary" button on top of the page
- In appeared form enter vocabulary name and select source and target languages
- Then click "Save". Just created vocabulary will appear in the list
- Click on a name of just created vocabulary
- Click "Edit Cards" on opened vocabulary
- Click "Add Card"
- Fill up the form. The application will offer you list of examples while you are typing to fill up the form automatically, which should simplify the process
- After you finished with editing card, go back to vocabulary by clicking "Back to "
- Then you can click "Show Cards" or "Training"
On this page you can list and memorize cards. If you forgot translation of a certain word, just click on "Show Answer" to see a prompt.
On training page you can check yourself. On this page you will see a word and an example and you need to type a traslation in "Answer" filed and click "Check". If your answer was correct, next word will be shown.