S# cosmotost
- hole in the wall obstacle
- Settings / select player
- character choice
- music
- shield (note: i have a shield sound effect - mike)
- faculty face textures
- method for cycling textures to faculty faces
- timer for gun
- game_reset() for entity state
- boss-man-randy-savage (huaiyu)
- entity below high score menu (fixed - mike)
- make sure everything writes to the screen int he correct order (mike) -- ensure that nothing spills over past hud
- freeze enemy (dan)
- game crash after quitting in debug (fixed - mike)
- ARTWORK... (ailand)
- naming convention for enemies
- blocky angled entry (mike)
- powerup textures (mike)
- microwave texture (mike)
- turn fork around (mike)
- electric bullet texture (mike)
- Bomb (mike)
- full health powerup (mike)
- partial health powerup (mike)
- extra life powerup (mike)
- linke high scores with odin (mike)
- Make multiple difficulties of enemies (mike)
- implement volume change feature (mike)
- implement sound effects (mike)
- fix volume issues (mike)
- list of 10 high scores (mike)
- horizontal blocky (mike)
- debug mode (mike)
- State transitions b/w levels (mike)
- create level states (mike)
- HUD (dan)
- refactoring code (dan, huaiyu, ailand)
- consistent coding style (dan, huaiyu, ailand)
- gun noises (mike)
- cooldown power bar (mike)
- Lives
- stabby forky enemy
- collission on "entity" enemy (mike)
- health bar (mike)
- reset game / all vars when reset button/ main menu hit from pause (Huaiyu)
- game clock that counts up so you can feel bad about yourself for how much time that you've wasted (mike)
- Game Over Screen
- Help menu - press F1 to expand help screen to all key options (mike)
- Implement Time functionality (mike)
- chrono library
- Audio (mike)
- different executables for audio / silent version (Mike)
- High scores / high score screen (Huaiyu)
- input player's name/handle (Huaiyu)
- scores (Huaiyu)
- Make screen size / menu bigger (mike)
- Implement a logging system (mike)