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A command-line interface for Godiddy.

Run using Docker

docker compose pull
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli


Set endpoint and API key

# Set either "godiddy" or "godiddy-dev" API endpoint
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli config endpoint godiddy

# Set your API key
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli config apikey b082c420-df67-4b06-899c-b7c51d75fba0

Simple examples

# Simple resolution
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli resolve did:ebsi:z24ipYA2KhjNLmuD52evuCh2

# Simple create
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m key

# Create with an option
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m key -o keyType=P-256

# Create with client-managed secret mode
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m key -c

# Create with client-managed secret mode and interactive
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m key -c -i

Key Management (KMS)

By default, internal secret mode is used, i.e. the Godiddy wallet service.

If the -c option is given in various commands, client-managed secret mode is used. The -c option is equivalent to -o clientSecretMode=true.

# Comfingure KMS (wallet or local)
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli config kms wallet
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli config kms local

# Show controllers in the KMS
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli kms controllers

# Show keys in the wallet service
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli kms keys

Additional key generation

The -rvmi, -rvmt, -rvmp options can be used to add additional keys to a DID document, i.e. keys that are not required by the DID method itself.

# Create a DID with an additional key
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m web -rvmi '#key-1' -rvmt 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020' -rvmp '["authentication", "assertionMethod"]'
# Update a DID with an additional key
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli update -d did:example:123 --diddocop 'addToDidDocument' -rvmi '#key-3' -rvmt 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020' -rvmp '["authentication", "assertionMethod"]'


If the -i option is given in various commands, responses from the API (especially "action" states in client-managed secret mode) have to be processed "manually" using additional commands.

# Process current local state
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli state process

# Continue with ongoing job (interactive)
docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli continue -i

did:ebsi examples

Also see

docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli execute -d did:ebsi:zjUnExsyyweQ9p4cy3nvrVc --op issueOnboardingVC

docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli create -m ebsi -n pilot -c -s VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard= 

docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli execute -d did:ebsi:zjUnExsyyweQ9p4cy3nvrVc --op inviteForTrustRole --opdata trustModelDid=did:ebsi:zaFsXXoQ4ZrmiEsrtGyMvwJ --opdata trustModelRole=TI 

docker compose run --rm godiddy-cli execute -d did:ebsi:zaFsXXoQ4ZrmiEsrtGyMvwJ --op acceptTrustRole -c -s VerifiableAccreditationToAttest=

Build Java

mvn -s settings.xml clean package

Run Java

Get command line

java -jar target/cli-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h


Godiddy command line interface






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