A header-only C++ library for reading information from (upper item having higher priority):
- Command-line parameters (in the form:
, or--VAR_NAME
) - .env file
- Environment variables
- OSes: Windows, Linux
- Compilers: g++, MS Visual C++ (with C++11 enabled)
// Please compile and run the program with the following command to see the result:
// ./test --VAR2=12345
#include "dotenv.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
// includes command-line arguments, environment variables,
// files (`.env` in current folder, `.env` in program folder,
// and `test-custom.env` file in program folder)
dotenv env{argc, argv, true, {
// looks for variable from any source
cout << "PATH = " << env["PATH"] << endl;
cout << "VAR1 = " << env["VAR1"] << endl;
cout << "VAR2 = " << env["VAR2"] << endl;
cout << "VAR3 = " << env["VAR3"] << endl;
// gets the value of VAR3 if existing, or a default value if not
cout << "VAR3 (with default value) = " << env.get("VAR3", "default-var3") << endl;
// checks if a variable exists in one specific source and prints its value if it does
if (env.exists("VAR2", dotenv::source::environment))
cout << "VAR2 = " << env.get("VAR2", dotenv::source::environment) << endl;
else cout << "VAR2 is not set as an env variable" << endl;
return 0;