KOA server, GraphQL and Typescript starter.
Start installing the dependencies by running npm i
Check out the example.env
for available env variables.
We are using dotenv.
Create a .env
file and fill in your env variables.
Start the development server and the worker by running:
npm run dev
This will run ts-node-dev to start the development server.
The development server will be served from the port set in your env file (default 4000). On that port you will now see the GraphQL playground.
Build and start a production server and the worker by running:
npm run build && npm run start
This will build the .js files to the ./dist folder and start node in production mode.
To trigger the example query use the following GraphQL query in the GraphQL Playground.
fragment Example on Example {
query GetExample($id: String!) {
example(id: $id) {
To make the example mutation use the following GraphQL query in the GraphQL Playground.
mutation UpdateExample($input: ExampleInput!) {
updateExample(input: $input) {
I added 2 pubsub mechanisms as examples to use for you as inspiration. One is based on redis and the other one is based on Apollo Server pubsub.
You can find them in the folders src/graphql/subscriptions/redis
and src/graphql/subscriptions/graphql
To start listening to the example subscription use the following GraphQL query in the GraphQL Playground.
(Our example triggers a pubsub update when you're firing the example mutation for testing purposes. See src/graphql/resolvers/example/mutations.ts
subscription ExampleUpdated {
exampleUpdated {