Files base getted from steam.
We have two ways to use this:
To be easer clone the repo in your home directory, I mean /home/yourName/ <--- here
- First is need it execute each line separately, in the terminal, for install some system stuffs that is need it to run the server because is of 32 bits
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates
sudo update-ca-certificates
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install lib32gcc-s1
- now lets create a symbolic link
is not need it root permitions
mkdir -v /home/$USER/.steam
ln -s /home/$USER/hlds/server /home/$USER/.steam/sdk32
and that's all!
Now, for run the server:
/home/$USER/hlds/server/hlds_run -game valve -port 27015 +maxplayers 15 +sv_lan 0 +map crossfire -insecure -usercon
is need it have Docker installed obviously :v
- Just is need it run the next command:
docker run -d --name hlds\
-p 26900:26900/udp\
-p 27020:27020/udp\
-p 27015:27015/udp\
-p 27015:27015\
-e SERVER_NAME="My HL Server"\
-e START_MAP="crossfire"\
-e RCON_PASSWORD="secret"\
docker stop hlds
docker start hlds
⚡Exists some optionals environments variables:
SV_LAN => 0 or 1
NOTE: With Docker the files are located in: /opt/hlds
Let me know if have some doubt
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