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Release Process

Aman Bhardwaj edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 8 revisions


  • Keep master branch in a working state
  • Deliver the stable version to user safely
  1. Create branch release-<major>.<minor>.patch from master and push the branch. e.g. release-0.9.0
  2. Push the branch.

After validating the build, nuget packages can be published to

To publish nuget packages, create and push a tag. (Note: The nuget package version is derived from the tags, so preview releases must have the preview tag. After v1.0 release, -preview01 in the tag is not needed.). eg.

$ git checkout release-0.9.0
$ git tag v0.9.0-preview01
$ git push origin v0.9.0-preview01
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