This is a library for using the Twitter API v2 in the Go language. (It is still under development).
What's New with Twitter API v2 | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform
Progress of supporting APIs:
- Tweets
- Tweet lookup
GET /2/tweets
GET /2/tweets/:id
- Manage Tweet
POST /2/tweets
DELETE /2/tweets/:id
- Search Tweets
GET /2/tweets/search/recent
GET /2/tweets/search/all
- Tweet counts
GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
GET /2/tweets/counts/all
- Timelines
GET /2/users/:id/tweets
GET /2/users/:id/mentions
- Filtered stream
POST /2/tweets/search/stream/rules
GET /2/tweets/search/stream/rules
GET /2/tweets/search/stream
- Sampled stream
GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
- Retweets
GET /2/users/:id/retweeted_by
POST /2/users/:id/retweets
DELETE /2/users/:id/retweets/:source_tweet_id
- Likes
GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
GET /2/tweets/:id/liked_tweets
POST /2/users/:id/likes
DELETE /2/users/:id/likes/:tweet_id
- Hide replies
PUT /2/tweets/:id/hidden
- Tweet lookup
- Users
- User lookup
GET /2/users
GET /2/users/:id
GET /2/users/by
GET /2/users/by/username
- Follows
GET /2/users/:id/following
GET /2/users/:id/followers
POST /2/users/:id/following
DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/following/:target_user_id
- Blocks
GET /2/users/:id/blocking
POST /2/users/:id/blocking
DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/blocking/:target_user_id
- Mutes
GET /2/users/:id/muting
POST /2/users/:id/muting
DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/muting/:target_user_id
- User lookup
- Lists
- List lookup
GET /2/lists/:id
GET /2/users/:id/owned_lists
- Manage Lists
POST /2/lists
DELETE /2/lists/:id
PUT /2/lists/:id
- List Tweets lookup
GET /2/lists/:id/tweets
- List members
GET /2/users/:id/list_memberships
GET /2/lists/:id/members
POST /2/lists/:id/members
DELETE /2/lists/:id/members/:user_id
- List follows
GET /2/lists/:id/followers
GET /2/users/:id/followed_lists
POST /2/users/:id/followed_lists
DELETE /2/users/:id/followed_lists/:list_id
- Manage pinned Lists
GET /2/users/:id/pinned_lists
POST /2/users/:id/pinned_lists
DELETE /2/users/:id/pinned_lists/:list_id
- List lookup
- Spaces
- Lookup Spaces
GET /2/spaces/:id
GET /2/spaces
GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
- Search Spaces
GET /2/spaces/search
- Lookup Spaces
- Compliance
- Batch compliance
GET /2/compliance/jobs/:id
GET /2/compliance/jobs
POST /2/compliance/jobs
- Batch compliance
Set the API key and API key secret to environment variables.
export GOTWI_API_KEY=your-api-key
export GOTWI_API_KEY_SECRET=your-api-key-secret
This authentication method allows only read-only access to public information.
package main
import (
func main() {
in := &gotwi.NewGotwiClientInput{
AuthenticationMethod: gotwi.AuthenMethodOAuth2BearerToken,
c, err := gotwi.NewGotwiClient(in)
if err != nil {
p := &types.UserLookupByUsernameParams{
Username: "michimani210",
Expansions: fields.ExpansionList{
UserFields: fields.UserFieldList{
TweetFields: fields.TweetFieldList{
res, err := users.UserLookupByUsername(context.Background(), c, p)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ID: ", gotwi.StringValue(u.Data.ID))
fmt.Println("Name: ", gotwi.StringValue(u.Data.Name))
fmt.Println("Username: ", gotwi.StringValue(u.Data.Username))
fmt.Println("CreatedAt: ", u.Data.CreatedAt)
if u.Includes.Tweets != nil {
for _, t := range u.Includes.Tweets {
fmt.Println("PinnedTweet: ", gotwi.StringValue(t.Text))
go run main.go
You will get the output like following.
ID: 581780917
Name: michimani Lv.859
Username: michimani210
CreatedAt: 2012-05-16 12:07:04 +0000 UTC
PinnedTweet: pinned tweet
With this authentication method, each operation will be performed as the authenticated Twitter account. For example, you can tweet as that account, or retrieve accounts that are blocked by that account.
package main
import (
func main() {
in := &gotwi.NewGotwiClientInput{
AuthenticationMethod: gotwi.AuthenMethodOAuth1UserContext,
OAuthToken: "your-twitter-acount-oauth-token",
OAuthTokenSecret: "your-twitter-acount-oauth-token-secret",
c, err := gotwi.NewGotwiClient(in)
if err != nil {
p := &types.ManageTweetsPostParams{
Text: gotwi.String("This is a test tweet with poll."),
Poll: &types.ManageTweetsPostParamsPoll{
DurationMinutes: gotwi.Int(5),
Options: []string{
"Key plate",
res, err := tweets.ManageTweetsPost(context.Background(), c, p)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[%s] %s\n", gotwi.StringValue(res.Data.ID), gotwi.StringValue(res.Data.Text))
go run main.go
You will get the output like following.
[1462813519607263236] This is a test tweet with poll.
See _examples directory.