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ant-hology is a collection of apache ant tasks, targets, (etc...) that I frequently use in my projects. (Particularly XSLT related tasks).

My goal is have a general set of definitions that work on numerous platforms. So far, I have written & tested these on Windows 7, Linux (Debian) and OS X.

Feedback is welcome! Please create pull requests and/or file issues as you find them. - thanks.


  • Ant v1.9.1 or later (I mostly use v1.9.2)

    • Definitions imported from ant-hology make extensive use of ant's if:* and unless:* attributes which are available as of Ant 1.9.1.
  • Recommended: patch, cvs, svn and git are used by some of the library getter targets.

  • Other 3rd party library requirements can be installed using the getter targets in ant-hology. For example

    • ant ant-hology.getAllLibraries to get all libraries
    • or ant ant-hology.get.calabash to install calabash and its required libraries

    In rare situations an ant-hology.get.* target may fail at a get task because a URL is momentarily not reachable. Simply running the target again usually works. If the target's get task persists to fail for the URL, the URL may have changed.

Setup in your project's build.xml

  1. First, setup some initial directories:


    Example: You could add ant-hology as a subdirectory of your project with git submodule add git:// ant-hology

    Alternatively: You could clone or copy it elsewhere and point to it in your project.


    If you want to use a different bin dir than the default under ${ant-hology.dir}, set ${ant-hology.bin.dir} before loading commonProperties.xml in your project's build file.


    If you want to use a different lib dir than the default under ${ant-hology.dir}, set ${ant-hology.lib.dir} before loading commonProperties.xml in your project's build file.


    Create a temp folder to store temporary files that ant-hology needs to temporarily create and read. Set the ${ant-hology.temp.dir} to point to this directory. If you are using .git, it is probably a good idea to add this directory's content to your .gitignore. As well, verify you have read and write permissions to this directory.


    Example: git submodule add git:// XMLCatalog

    Alternatively: You could clone or copy this XMLCatalog to another location, or even use some other XMLCatalog.

    Set the ${xmlcatalog.dir} property in your project to point to your xmlcatalog's location.

  2. Next, add the following (or something similar) to your project's build.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!--Store project's root directory in ${root.dir}-->
      <!--Note: It is a common convention to set the property ${root.dir} to your-->
      <!--build file's directory.  If you don't set `${xmlcatalog.dir}`, then the-->
      <!--default will be `${root.dir}/XMLCatalog`.  So in this default case,-->
      <!--ant-hology requires `${root.dir}` to be defined. If you don't define-->
      <!--`${root.dir}`, then be sure to explicitly define `${xmlcatalog.dir}` before-->
      <!--importing `commonProperties.xml`.-->
      <dirname property="root.dir" file="${ant.file.test}"/>
      <!--Optionally: Override some of anthology's defaults-->
      <!--Note: It's not strictly necessary to define `${ant-hology.dir}` because-->
      <!--when you import commonProperties.xml, commonProperties.xml will set it for-->
      <!--you if it is not set already.-->
      <property name="ant-hology.dir" location="${root.dir}/../ant-hology"/>
      <property name="xmlcatalog.dir" location="${root.dir}/../XMLCatalog"/>
      <property name="ant-hology.temp.dir" location="${root.dir}/temp"/>
      <!-- Import the common settings for ant-hology -->
      <!--Install the minimum set of required libraries if they are not installed-->
      <!--Import required items-->
      <!-- * In this case I am importing everything. But normally I would only-->
      <!--   import only what I need.-->
      <!--If you aren't installing everything, it is useful to import the library-->
      <!--getter targets so you can install libraries that tasks you are using may-->
      <!--depend on.-->
      <import file="${ant-hology.getLibraryDefs.dir}/allLibs.xml" unless:set="ant-hology.getLibraryDefs.allLibs.loaded"/>
      <!-- Continue your build.xml here. Define properties, targets, etc. -->

Some conventions and other notes


The commonProperties.xml file defines common properties that are used by the ant-hology definitions imported into your project. Note that all ant-hology properties are prefixed with ant-hology..

The following are some of the properties defined in commonProperties.xml:

  • ${ant-hology.dir}is the ant-hology's root directory

    Note: You can install ant-hology inside your project, or put it outside your project so you can share ant-hology with many projects.

  • ${ant-hology.lib.dir} is where ant-hology will install and/or look for required libraries.

    Default and recommend value is: ${ant-hology.dir}/lib

    Note: The lib directory does not have to be inside ${ant-hology.dir}. For example, you could set it to ${user.home}/lib, however scripts in ${ant-hology.dir}/bin (or in other words this repo's bin directory), expect their dependent libraries to be in ${ant-hology.dir}/lib. So if the location of ${ant-hology.lib.dir} is different, then the scripts in ${ant-hology}/bin will not work. This is only a problem if you wanted to use these scripts. If you are exclusively using the ant-hology tasks and not the scripts in ${ant-hology}/bin, then this is acceptable.

  • ${ant-hology.useBinDir} can be true or false. It specifies whether or not ant-hology should create links to scripts and binaries in locations under ${ant-hology.lib.dir} to the ${ant-hology.bin.dir} directory. If false, no links will be created.

    Default is: true

  • ${ant-hology.bin.dir} points to a bin directory with scripts you may use during development. Ant-hology has getter targets that may add symbolic links in this location.

    Note: By default, ${ant-hology.bin.dir} is set to the same directory as ${ant-hology.dir}/bin. (or in other words this repo's bin directory).

    You can set ${ant-hology.bin.dir} to a different value than ${ant-hology.dir}/bin, but it is usually not necessary.

  • ${ant-hology.temp.dir} points to a directory for temporary files that ant-hology may need to create.

    Default is: ${ant-hology.dir}/temp

    Note: Your clean target should delete files in this directory.

  • ${xmlcatalog.dir} points to your xmlcatalog directory.

    Default is under project's root dir: ${root.dir}/XMLCatalog

bin directory

The bin directory contains shell scripts for various tools inside the library jars. These scripts look for the libraries under ${ant-hology.dir}/lib. So if you want to use these scripts, don't set ${ant-hology.lib.dir} before loading commonProperties.xml.

getLibraries directory

The getLibraries directory contains targets that can be used to download and install 3rd party libraries that may be required by other tasks and targets defined in this ant-hology.

patches directory

The patches directory contains patches for some of the 3rd party libraries used by ant-hology.

paths directory

The paths directory contains path definitions that are used by targets in getLibrarires and tasks. Usually these path definitions point to jar files in the libraries directory.

tasks directory

The tasks directory contains task definitions (including: macrodefs, presetdefs scriptdefs and taskdefs)

The tasks directory also contains scriptconditions used by some tasks.

In the future I may add componentdefs, typedefs, scriptfilters, scriptmappers and/or scriptselectors if I find a use for them.


ant-hology is a collection of ant tasks and targets






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